16 & 17: Tales of a Splinter Fleet

Goodbye old Friend!
My first month at university has been very busy.  Unfortunately before I got a chance to post up my last two Tyranid games my computer decided to fry itself.  I lost the outline write up of both games along with all the photos, and all the software I had installed on the computer.  Since I do not have the time to write them all up again I am just going to post the highlights.

Game Sixteen: 1750 Points vs Ultramarines
Dawn of War, Seize Ground (5 Objectives)
I played double Dakka Tyrant list and Red Orc played his usual Chaplain lead foot marines.
Chaplain and assault marines spent a whole turn fighting the Tervigon with no wounds being inflicted before Daddy stomped over and won the battle. On the other side of the table the Terminators were giving me trouble. Six of them killed Junior even with only having Weapon Skill one! Start of turn five saw the marines only having 5 Marines (2 Devs w/ ML, 2 Tacs with ML and one with Bolter) and 5 Terminators left. I held three objectives. By the end of the turn Mummy was dead and the Terminators had overrun a second objective so I just scrapped a 1-0 victory.

Game Seventeen: 1750 Points vs Orks
Spearhead, Capture and Control.
Expecting a lot of melee I took Swarmlord & a Dakka Tyrant. Orks seized the initiative and rolled the battle wagons forward. Deffcopotors put three wounds on Mummy and a few gaunts died. After that the green tide was turned. Tyranid shooting destroyed both wagons and a Khan then steamrollered forward throught boys and mega-nobs. Genestealers arived turn three and eat the looters then ate the Nobs on the objective turn four. At the end of turn four the Orks had a Warboss, one Deffcoptor (fleeing), One Kill-Khan (Immobile, no gun). I had only lost a unit of Hive guard, some cannon fodder gaunts. Mummy had even managed to regenerate her wounds! Since I had both objectives we did not both playing turn five. 2-0 win for the hive mind.


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