Moldvay Basic Episode 34


A blast from the past as we continue our Moldvay Basic D&D game. It is an open table format with who ever turns up heading into the dungeon.  Classic murder-hobo's killing everything in sight and seeing how many magic items we can accumulate before we die.

At the moment two of the party are slowly dying from poison and we cannot find anyone in the town that can cure it.  We have also started to stock pile magic items we have no use for as we have yet to find other adventuring parties with items for trade and have no use for more cash (there being nothing of note to spent it on).  We are reaching the point where we need to ask the question how much gold does an Elf need to retire and live like a prince for one hundred years? 

Chapter 34: Finding the Third level

Today we decided to go down the new staircase we had found to the third level.  First though we had to traverse the Orc Throne Room Room of Iron Door and a few other chambers we had previously explored on the second dungeon level.

Some new occupants had moved in and we easily slaughtered Orcs, Troglodytes and Hobgoblins.  This turned out to be very profitable as they were all loaded down with coin and jewelry which when all sold was 1,590 GP for each of the six party members who had gone exploring.

Gibbet, who had manged to remain invisible during the first three battles, was then able to disable the scythe door trap.  Ignoring the fire beetles we could see nearby we finally managed to get down the stair case.

Berg, our dwarven explorer, calculated this staircase had crossed over the other one and we had emerged into an unexplored area of the dungeon rather than them both taking us down to the same area.

With in the first room was a large pool of water.  Within which was a strange net that held a Water Elemental prisoner!  We released her from the net and convinced her we were not the fleshy ones who had imprisoned her.  One suspected this was a lucky fight to avoid!

Exploring further we found a strange coffin shaped door that opened when someone stood in front of it.  Inside were a dozen Crab-men and a strange magical machine that looked like a wardrobe with arms.  These being took a dislike to us and attacked which resulted in them all being quickly dispatches. Aided by a Hold Person spell which helped reduce their number.

Examining the machine Gibbet found it was trying to reassemble a Crab-man.  Marl and Berg decided to hack it to bits as they did not like this.  Berg covered the device in oil which it tried to wipe off but then its arms got chopped off.  Afterwards we took the parts back to town and sold them for a few extra coins.

Player Characters

Character Description
Gibbet Thief with Magic Armour, Displacer Cloak
Berg Dwarf with magic Dagger and cursed Shield
Galan Foxflower Elf with Magic Sword, Shield, Arachnid Cloak, Bag of Holding
Karensa Elf with Magic Sword
Marl A Hobbit in Plate armour (we upgrades from Halflings)
Brigham Young Cleric of the One God

Image Credits
Today's deviations by ancientking


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