WFRP 1st Edition Advanced Careers Chart


Warhammer Fantasy Role Play has always had an interesting system with using careers as a way for characters to advance in the game.  With over sixty basic careers they is a lot of options that players can have for their character.

When you then move on into all the Advanced Careers there is a lot of options.  Coming back to the game I wanted to know what routes were available to get from which advanced career to another. As no chart existing I created one including key Characteristics that are available.


Rectangles show Advanced Careers while ovals are Basic Careers.  I have shaded in those careers that cannot be reached from other Advanced Careers.  Given the Magical careers do not really connect with the others I left them off the diagram.

The Highwayman, Duelist, Assassin and Outlaw Chief form four corners of our diagram with the Mercenary Captain as the central hub.  This allows for characters to move round the majority of advanced careers without ever having to go back to a basic one as well as covering the majority of the skills.

Targeteer. An important career as it is the only option for maximizing Ballistic skill and is very limited since only three basic careers allow you take it.  Those are Outlaw, Bounty Hunter and Game Keeper.

Charlatan.  Is another entry point that can only be reached from basic careers.  In this case though almost half of the Rogue and many Academic basic carers have the option of progressing here which makes it much more widely accessible.  This has a fairly linear career path into being a Spy and then Assassin.

Mercenary Captain & Sergeant. While taking this career can be a stepping stone you can only fully progress to Captain having completing all the sergeant profile which takes about 25 advances.  Fortunately you are allowed to take any of the exits earlier and can come back to being a Captain once you have gained most of those advances, and other benefits, from following a difference career path.  This opens up the Free Lance and Judicial Champion for those wanting to maximum combat prowess.

Sea Captain & Mate. For some reason these take a different approach to the Mercenary and have different career exits for the two options making Sea Captain a bit weaker as a choice. Sea Mate it is one of the few careers if you want the Swim skill.


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