WFRP Chapter 67: After the Storm

Background: River boat ride in a rain of plasma...

Our Heroes

  • Morgan (David) - Human Battle-Mage
  • Tayy Whitethorn (Michael) - Halfling punching-bag (and spy)
  • Faefiel (Elliot) - Cold as ice Elven Targeteer
  • Ragnar (Oliver) - Human Outlaw Chief
  • Flendac (Kris) - Human Master Assassin

Chapter 67

In order to get Morgan trained as a more powerful Wizard we got ourselves passage on a barge going to Nuln.  The next day a heavy storm hit and we stopped at a river side inn to wait it out.

There we got to know some of the locals.  Hank and Karl were arguing over a pair of magic boots; Charles, the shift lawyer, was celebrating his new job but Sarah the assassin was there to make sure he never got to enjoy it.  Morgan seduced one of the barmaids and had a quicky upstairs but Charlene was disappointed by his performance.

The final person we met though was a revelation! Donna was a powerful wizard and part of the garrison protecting Nuln.  She mentioned being able to train Morgan if the financial incentive was good enough or he was able to offer assistance to the city.  While we were trying to hammer out a deal the doors burst open and in rushed a horde of beastmen demanding we hand over the wizard...

Not sure if they were here for Morgan or Donna we commenced battle.  Morgan and Donna tossed lighting into the horde until they were both engaged in melee combat.

One of the beastmen had a gift from the Chaos gods; a plasma gun.  Blasts of green energy shot around the room vaporizing patrons.  Faefiel shot him with an arrow drawing his attention.  The first blast went through the table and was absorbed by her magical leggings; only fate stopped the second from taking her head off.  She drank a healing potion and jumped into melee where it was safer.

Flendac battled the other beastmen leader.  He felled him with a mighty blow after a few rounds of combat.  It seemed fate was on his side as he miraculously survived a plasma bolt to the chest.  

Tayy was as effective in combat as usual.  Shooting arrows from behind the bar everyone of which failed to penetrate the beasts thick hide.

Plasmoid tried a fighting retreat once all his minions were dead but Faefiel shot him through the eye with her expert marksmanship.

None of the beastmen has got past us but as the dust settled Karl and Charles were dead.  Karl's boots were also missing.  Tayy could not tell how Charles had died (well done Sarah).

Hank tried to steal the beastman's magical sword but got shot by Faefiel as well.  We told him the loot was ours as he had not taken part in the battle having just hidden in the kitchen.

As everyone had magic weapons Tayy attuned to the sword.  This gave him fire resistance.  Also three magic swords meaning it is a good job he has a bag of holding to carry everything around in. 

Image Credits -  

Art from timens


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