WFRP Chapter 107: Relative Value

Summary: That annoying uncle returns.

Chapter 107 ~ Family Values
Enzo Ferrari came to the Sheriff's office to report news of a giant rat walking about in the forest on two legs.  Gwyn wanted to searching the woods for it but Tayy reminded him we needed to sort out the alliance with the Orcs first.  Enzo took us all into the forest where we met up with Chad Crogger the tribe leader.  Hayley gave him a bottle of brandy to seal the deal between them and Tayy cooked a rabbit stew with the game the orcs provided.  We were all safe, apart from our dwarven deputy, who the orcs at least agreed not to kill.

Dimiti arrived for his job interview as the dock master and after negations with the countess he agreed to accept 5 crowns a month.  Tayy went off with him to sort out accommodation and show him around the town.  Hayley had a meeting with some merchants from Aldorf sorting out contracts for lumber.  This left Luke and Zena drinking together in the bar.

Five strangers arrived at the bar.  One of them was quite chatty while the others sat at a table together.  Introducing himself as Cam the man proceeded to buy Luke and Zena four rounds of beer while chatting to them about the town and the new countess.  Finishing the last pint Zena slumped in her chair muttering something about not feeling well.  Cam gestured to his friends and they all stood up drawing swords.  

Luke quickly realised his friend was poisoned.  Fortunately his iron constitution had prevented him from also succumbing to the drugs.  It seemed Cam had over estimated his dominacne as with the help of his magical items Luke was able to chop him down with two mighty blows!  It seemed today his bands of power and human-bane sword were working together.  With the leader dead the four elven mercenaries backed off.  Saying they would loot the leader and leave if Luke stopped fighting.  Having no advantage fighting Elves he agreed.

As Tayy and Hayley returned they saw the elves running away.  Walking inside the bar Hayley recognised her uncle Mitchel lying dead on the floor!  It seemed his evil plans to inherit her estate had finally come to an end.  They carried Zena to the temple where Beth set about purging the poison.

Elsewhere in town Sheriff Gwyn was approached by the two high elves who had witnessed last months murder.  They were still hunting Fenster the wizard who had fled.  Giving him a magical mirror to contact they offered a bounty of 50 crowns.  When Gwyn joined his friends in the tavern later Fenster had also returned.  Luke saw him swap a small bag with another patron of the inn.  Gwyn and Luke followed him out to the edge of the woods.  After some discussion he paid the pair in gold to forget about him and disappeared into the forest.

Returning to check on Zena we found Beth had another guest at the temple.  Zena had caught a glimpse and seen he was covered in hair; could this be our giant rat?  Beth ushered us out of the temple and said she would let us know if her guest wanted to talk to us once they had recovered.

What next?  Can Sheriff Gwyn solve the murders?  Will the giant rat turn out to be friendly or in need of our help?  The adventures continue in the city of Ryazan.

Image Credits -
Art from dragonnick741.


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