Stormwreck Isle Chapter 3: Clifftop Observatory!


Chapter 3: Clifftop Observatory!

The party

  • Nikolstratos ex-gladiator Warrior looking to free other slaves
  • Petri, a haunted wood elf with a genie's lamp
  • Courtney Ashtree, Spear Maiden Paladin on a holy quest
  • Rejk the half-orc smith who pours his rage into the forge
  • Inarra, bloodthirsty Chaos Mage willing to kill anything

The party knew their was something strange about the Abbess Runara but only Courtney new the truth about her past.  Having explained she had taken an oath not to kill another dragon she explained that a young Bronze dragon called Aidron had gone missing and she though he was hiding out at the old observatory since he had rejected her talks of peace.  She asked the party to head to the observatory and see if they could convince him to come back.

As they were getting the rowboat ready to leave Myla, the Kobold chef, came down with more ham-bread for them to take and asked if they would look for her missing brothers, Minn and Mek, and try and get them to come back.  She gave Rejk a large moonstone key that had been found in the ruins last time she was there.

Approaching the ruins the party saw several crumbling ruins atop basalt columns just off the main island body.  There was no bridge joining the coast line to the central section of ruins.  A couple of the other parts of the ruins were connected by shoddy looking rope bridges.  Examing the status that were on the edge Inarra found a keyhole.  As Rejk was inserting the moon key everyone was distracted as two winged Kobolds ran out the woods being persuaded by a swarm of batlike creature.

The party made short work of the stirges and Petri just managed to stop Inarra killing the Kobolds as well.  Taking to the pair the party found they were Minn and Mek who were delighted to know their sister was still alive.  They were guarding the ruins ready for Sparkrender, a blue dragon, who was going to perform a great magic ritual.

The quick thinking Inarra told the Kobolts she had a message for Sparkrender.  Minn offered to carry her over to the ruins.  Rejk suggested trying the key first.  This turned on a bridge of force that connected the ruins to the island.  Will some careful use of words Rejk convinced Minn to bring the key over to them once everyone had crossed.

The main ruins contain a sculpture in the centre of the rotunda.  The sculpture was an astronomical model depicting various planets, as well as one comet with a very eccentric orbit. It was surrounded by five crudely carved statues of dragons pained in different colours.  Mek started to push one of the statues into a different position to make sure the sunlight was shining upon it.  Rejk also ripped up a spare shirt and shoved it into the sculpture to stop the sunlight shining out.  When Mek tryed to work out why the light was not reflecting Rejk said it was the clouds in the sky and would be back soon (these Kobolds are very dumb).  Minn was persuaded to point out when the dragons lair and kobold camp was.

Using the key again the party first went to the ruined tower that was to the south.  Hear amongst the rotting remains of a library Rejk found a potion and a pouch of coins while Inarra found a book with a magical lock which she shoved into her pack.

Returning to the central section Petri kept the two kobolds entertained and fed them ham-bread, which they complained was undercooked, while the other crept across the bridge to the Kobold camp and wiped them out while most were still sleeping.  They came back with some fruit for Minn and Mek telling them to not go and wake the other Kobolds as they needed to sleep before helping with the ritual.

Minn said it was time for Inarra to give Sparkrender her message.  He started to fly towards the unexplored ruins to the east called out to the dragon to come out.  Inarra went to blast him out of the sky but Petri said no.  Rejk went and activated the bridge to everyone could flee but not in time.

With a thud Sparkrender the baby blue dragon landed behind our heroes and spat a bolt of cracking blue energy over them.  Inarra and Mek fell to the blast.  Petri backed off and starting throwing eldritch blasts at the draconic monster.  Nikolstratos and Rejk charged in with blades clanging against the dragons hide.  Courtney took a moment to heal Inarra and stop her dying before also leaping into combat.  

Inarra crawled away from the dragon and standing up she told a joke charging it with magical energy.  "Why do dragons sleep during the day? So they can fight Knights!".  The dragon found this so funny he fell over overcome by the Hideous Laughter of the spell.  This was enough of a distract for Courtney to plunge her spear between Sparkrender's scales and finish the evil dragon.

With the dragon defeated the party went to explore his lair.  Walking over the bridge Petri slipped on the wet slats and fell into the ocean below.  Using a rope Rejk pulled him back up while Inarra figured out how to open the secret entrance to the dragons lair.

Here they found Aidron chained up along with the small hoard of low value coins and gems Sparkrender had accumulated.  Dividing up the treasure they each got 134 crowns worth of loot.  Petri also found a waterproof leather case holding a blue silk fan painted with powdered blue gems worth a pretty penny.

Game Notes: For the final chapter of the new starter set our Wizard's player managed to make the game and his blood thirty instincts were kept, somewhat, in check by the other players.  The Barbarian managed a critical hit on the dragon thanks to Reckless Attack only to get hit back for a critical the following turn also because of Reckless Attack! His half-orc Relentless Endurance was the only reason he stayed in the battle. It was a good job the party had some healing potions as they all got quaffed as bonus actions during the first couple of rounds of combat with the Dragon.

The funniest moment though was probably three players in bulky armour sneaking across the bridge with the Wizard after he convinced them to go murder the Kobolds.  The worst roll with disadvantage was a 15! Those poor creatures never stood a chance.  

We also had some painted miniatures this month to add an extra touch of class to the tabletop fun so a big thank you to the Wizards player who brought them along.


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