1: Lords of Midnight

Game One – 1500 Points vs Dwarves

Vampire Army
Witch-Queen Shareth Level 4 Mage, Death Magic, Crown of the Dammed
Leading Skeleton Regiment x20 with Command & Banner of Hellfire
Wight King Luxor w/ BSB, Sword Of Kings
Leading Grave Guard Regiment x15 with Command
Vampire Tarithel w/ Forbidden Lore (Light), Sword of Swift Slaying, Flayed Hauberk
Leading Grave Guard Regiment x16 with Command
Skeleton Horde x20 with Command & Banner of Eternal Flame

Dwarven Army
Lord Thorin Oakenshield w/ Shield Bearers, Rune of Spite & Great Weapon
Leading Hammers x18 w/ command
Thane Dwalin w/ BSB, Rune of Swiftness, Oath Stone and Rune of Stone
Leading Warriors x29 w/ Command
Thunderers x10
Slayers x7
Warriors x10 w/ Great Weapons
Bolt Thrower w/ Rune of Burning
Stone Thrower (modelled as a Stone Giant) w/ Rune of Reloading

Mission: Pitched Battle

The Dwarves started in the north with Thunderers and bolt thrower on a central hill. Thane Dwalin was to the east along with the Slayers. To the East was Lord Oakenshield along with the 'copter and giant. To the south between a graveyard and a small hill were Shareth and two units of skeltons. King Luxor was to her west and Tarithel on the east.

Turn One.
Shareth marched her army forward and spirit leached one wound from Thane Dwalin. Tarithel captured Dwalin and his warriors in her net of Amyntok. The dwarves responded with a barrage of gunpowder and rocks shattering half a dozen skeletons and displelled the net. Gyrocoptor, Lord Oakenshield and the slayers advanced..

Turn Two.
King Luxor failed his charge into the Hammers. Most of Shareth's spells were countered. Only one spell succeeded and the Fate of Bju... Thorin was to only fail a single ward save! The gyrocoptor flew over the graveyard and several of Shareth's bodyguards melted under its fiery breath. More followed under a volley of black powder weapons. Luxor was charged by Lord Oakenshield and watched his barrow wights crumble under the dwarven hammer blows leaving him fighting alone. Tarithel fought the slayers killing half of them herself.

Turn Three.
Shareth wheeled around towards the Gyrocoptor and unleached a torrent of magic. Surviving spirit leech and caress it finally fated to fell from the sky to her third spell. The last of her Magic reassembled some of her bodyguards. Luxor held his own until finally falling at the end of the turn while Tarithel was left fighting a single Slayer. The other Skeleton surged forward charging into Thane Dwalin's warriors but lost half their number in the combat. The stone giant got bored and wandered away from the battle (misfire – destroyed).

Turn Four.
The winds of magic did not favour Shareth (three dice). Using all her might she summoned a purple sun that swept through the dwarves ranks killing a dozen of them. Gathering the resulting energies she tried again to leech Thorin's spirit but he held resolute. The last slayer died, but so so did the Skeleton horde. Thorin led the charge with the miners joining him. Shareth's spirit fled into the ether as her bodyguards crumbled back into the earth. Without Shareth's will holding her barrow-wights together Tarithel decided to flee and return another day for Thorin's skull.

I had a lot of fun learning a new game. As for my army 700 points in characters was just too much, especially taking two mages. I just did not have enough units to counter charge or enough magic dice to use my 15 spells. I need to get a unit of Knight build to replace the second vampire. Also replace the skeleton horde with Zombies to be a tar pit unit and make good use of Invocation (five to ten Zombies per casting is good going).


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