Tyranid Project - Acquisitions

I got another Hive Guard and a second Broodlord this week so my Splinter Fleet continues to grow. It is still quite limited on options though with the core army being either a Nidzilla or Air Assault build. I now have -

Edit - I got some more Termagants off ebay!

2 Hive Tyrants (Magnetised so can be Swarmlord, Flyrant, Dakkarant or even a Harpy)
Tyranid Prime
3 Tyrant Guard

5 Hive Guard
3 Zoanthropes

45 Genestealers & 2 Broodlords
81 Termagants (enough for the second Tervigon when I get it)
20 Devilgants
11 Hormagaunts
1 Tervigon
3 Myceptic Spores

Fast Attack
5 Shrikes (Unfinished Warrior/Gargoyle convertions, again magnetised)
17 Gargoyles
10 Spore Mines

Heavy Support
1 Magneto-fex (Magentised so it can be Carni or T-fex)

What Next?
First I need to paint everything I have got so far! So it will propably be next year before I add the following. One more Carnifex to make a second Tervigon and to give me my fourth set of Brainleech Worm Devourers. For anti-tank I need one more Hive Guard. Finally another box of Gargoyles so I can finish off the Shrikes and have a larger brood of Gargoyles. That is about £50 from my FLGS.

In the future?
They are expenisve but I really like the Forge World Rippers. Dispite them being really bad this edition I will eventually get some (probably only to use as objective markers). A unit of 5-6 is about the same point cost as a Broodlord and it would give my army a few more options. I would also like a unit of 6 Raveners. However the new plastic kit is also way too expensive (even more than the Rippers) for three figures so I shall wait untill I see some on ebay. I also need a box of Hormagaunts so I have enough for one unit.


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