Recycling old Toys

I am a believer in recycling. It is good for the environment and O.K. for you. I apply the principles to my hobbies as well. When I stop playing one game I tend to sell off toys I will not be needing anyone and use the cash to invest in my new passion. Before Wizkids went bust I played a lot of Heroclix. Whilst the game has been re-released no one seems that interested in it any longer so I sold off my rare and powerful pieces and invested the cash into tanks for my Space Marines. Shopping around on ebay I get tanks for less than £10 each so I was able to get three Predators with just a single Batman figure. I also picked up some spare turrets, Rhinos and Las/Plas Razorbacks.

New Biomass for the Hive Mind
My friend is not impressed by this years Tyranid Codex, in fact he would rather play Necrons! He gave me about £150 of stuff for nothing, so I gave him some Space Marine tanks I did not want. I got a Hive Tyrant; Carnifex; 6 Warriors; Zoanthrope; a Score of Genestealers and a dozen Termagants. Now one third of my army is painted red, one third green and one third unpainted. I just have to decide which colour scheme I am going to go with...

Turning Pearls into Diamonds
I started playing Magic the Gathering (MTG) in June 1994 with the release of the Legends set. I have dipped in and out of the game for the last sixteen years.  Early on I manage to get some of the very early cards that now sell for over £100 each! Since their not Tournament legal for the Legacy format I play it really was time to get rid of them.  So I have exchanged my Mox Pearl for four Mox Diamonds and twenty other cards.  Mostly for my Black 'Eva Green' deck and a few foils for the wife's Fire & Lightning Deck.


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