Tyranid Project: Parasite & Guard

I got to do a bit more work on my Parasite of Mortrax this weekend.

I have added the rending claws and used a Hormagaunt's claw to make the tail spike for his implant attack.  Tail still needs a bit of work around the join.  Overall though I think it is looking quite good compared to the codex picture?  Of course the official picture does not even look like it has rending claws...

Next up is my Hive Guard.  I love playing these guys; I think they are the best addition to the codex.  However while the models look lovely they are annoying to play.  The first bit of raised terrain and they tumble over.

The only solution is to replace their Impaler Cannons with plastic guns.  I have ripped them off and used warrior Venom Cannons.  The new guns are going to need some more work to make them look less Venomy.  I think some flesh hooks to make spikes on the end will help them mimic the Impaler Cannon and I shall clip off of the spike under the barrel.  Next month I should have all six of them modelled with VC's...

Image Credit: Parasite from wh40k.lexicanum the rest are my models


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