Barrow Kings Battle Report: Game 1

With a little bit of help from a Space Marine Dreadnought (Colossus) my Mantic Undead graduated from Tomb King school for their first game last night. Since I am not a fan of random spells I went for Khatap the special character with loremaster so I could try all the spells in the new lore. We rolled the Watch tower scenario but as my smallest unit was 21 Archers I could not start anyone in the tower.

Barrow Kings @2000 points
High Liche Khatap
Prince w/ Armour of Destiny, Great Weapon
Necrotech w/ Silver Steel Armour, Dragonbane Gem
Archers x21 w/ Banner, Musician
Warriors x30 w/ Light Armour, Full Command
Warriors x30 w/ Light Armour, Full Command
Tomb Guard x30 w/ Full Command, Undying Banner
Skull Catapult x2
Casket of Souls
Colossus w/ extra hand weapon

Skaven Army @2000 points
Warlock Engineer leading 40 slaves
Battle Standard Bearer leading 40 Clan Rats with Warpfire thrower
Plague Priest leading 40 Plague monks
Grey Seer leading 40 Clan Rats with Warpfire thrower
40 Slaves with slings

The plague monks held the centre of the Skaven lines. The Engineer and Standard bearer were on the left flank with the cannon, wheel, Seer and Sling slaves on the right flank.

The Casket and one catapult started in the graveyard on the right flank while the Prince took centre with a unit of warriors on either flank and the archers and colossus behind them. The second catapul was on the far right flank.

Turn One:
The Skaven bombarded the risen dead with magic and warpfire. However all the injuries were easily healed by the Liches magic as he protected the whole army with spells of protection and marched them forward. The graveyard catapult misfired and the other missed.

Turn Two:
The Plague Monks garrisoned the tower and withered the Tomb Guard. The Doomwheel managed an 18" charge straight into my catapult crushing it completely! On the left flank the Warriors charged into the clan rats. On the right flank the Tomb Guard failed their charge. The cannon shot bounced off the Colossus as it battered into the Seers bodyguards for a single wound that was parried. The Liche irresistibly gave the undead a ward save and promptly lost the rest of the power dice and a few archers in the ensuring explosion.

Turn Three:
The Seer continued to detonate skeletons with magic while weight of numbers dragged the Colossus to its doom (curse you crumbling). On the left flank the slaves charged into the Warriors flank. While on the right the other slaves charged into the Tomb Guards flank and were defeated by the Prince and overrun. Unable to swiftly reform the Guard lost time reforming. The Doomwheel rolled into the other Warrior unit and crushed several. The catapult and archers killed some Plague monks but the horde held fast in the tower. Once more the Liche irresistibly gave the undead a ward save and promptly lost most of the power dice due to feedback! This allowed the Seer to easily dispel the Caskets light of death.

Turn Four.
The Seer fluffed his spell but the Plague Priest continued to wither the Tomb Guard who were trudging slowly back towards the tower under heavy cannon fire. In shooting the catapult misfired and destroyed itself. The rats overran on the left flank while the Warriors on right destroyed the doomwheel but failed to swiftly reform leaving them too far away to be of any further use in the battle. The Liche sent a vortex of screaming skulls through the rats and promptly forgot his most important spells as he was reduced to a level two wizard!

Turn Five:
Guess what? The Liche irresistibly gives the Archers extra attacks and is prevented from casting any more spells. The undying banner fails to cast making the casket an easy target for the seers counter spell. Plague winds consume several archers as they continue to pepper the monks with arrows. The prince fails to charge into the tower (by one inch). The Skaven did not do much better with one warpfire thrower exploding and the other burning plague monks.

Turn Six:
Accompanied by six guard the Prince charges into the tower. His Necrotech companion having been felled by a cannon shot. He slaughters some plague monks and then promptly died to crumbling. At least the Liche was able to enhance him with some magic during the final turn...

With twenty Monks still in the tower and two units of Clan Rats the Skaven drive off the remaining Barrow King back to their mounds to regenerate.

When I got him into combat the Prince did very well. Perhaps I should take a pair of them next time rather than a Necrotech? For the extra one hundred points over a normal level four with dispel scroll I do not think Khatap was that useful. I did make use of his re-roll a couple of times but it just does not seem enough. My opponent kept his dispel dice for the Casket and since I lost most of my power dice each turn it did nothing other than generate a couple of extra dice each turn. The colossus can not take a unit on his own; I need to hold him back as a counter-charge unit next time.

EDIT: I have just found out the Colossus has a Thunderstomp attack for an extra d6 hits each turn! Do not think it would have changed the overall result but he would have been able to chew through the Clan Rats and and Seer rather than just dying.


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