Grey Knights vs Ultramarines

Game 1: 1500 Points vs Ultramarines
Scenario - Capture & Control (4 objectives), Spearhead deployment

With the new codex I can no longer add my two squads of Knights into my Ultramarine force. They have to be played as a faction in their own right. Only having 25 Knights I do not have enough Psycannons for a full army so I proxied them with missile launchers and power-gauntlets for the Hammers. I at least had some time this week to to start work on my Riflemen arms so the Dreads were correctly armed.

Grey Knights @1500
Castellan Crowe in the Henchmen's Razorback w/ Psi ammo
Cardinal Ximinez, Inquisitor; Power Armor, Psychotroke, Rad grenades, 3 Survo-Skulls
Mega-City Judges (Warriors) x3 with a Meltagun
Alpha Purifiers x8; 2 Psycannons, Hammer, 5 Halberds, Rhino
Gamma Purifiers x8; 2 Psycannons, Hammer, 5 Halberds, Rhino
Omega Purifiers x8; 2 Psycannons, Hammer, 5 Halberds, Rhino
Rifleman Dreadnought x2; Quad Autocannons w/ Psi Ammo
Rifleman Dreadnought; Assault Cannon and TL Autocannons w/ Psi Ammo
Kill Points 13; 29 Men, 7 Vehicles

Chaplain Caecilius with Jump Pack, Melta Bombs
Purpureus Tactical Squad with Melta, Lascannon & power-gauntlet
Albus Tactical Squad with Melta, Plasma Cannon & power-gauntlet in a Rhino
Plumbeus Devastator Squad with 4 Missile Launchers in Razorback with TL Lascannon
Tripudio 5 man Assault Squad with Power-gauntlet and Plasma Pistol.
Tempestas Terminator Squad with assault cannon & CML
Brother Grumio Dreadnought

stardate: 901.M41
The planet had official been declaired clensed of Lugft Huron's renegades for three days. However reports kept coming in of small pockets of resistence remaining. Responding to these reports Cardinal Ximinez came across a small detachment of marines. These loyalist marines failed to recognise the cardinals mixed force and opened fire...

The Cardinals forces arrived from the south-east heading towards the central ruins (objective). Gamma squad stopped on a small hill (objective) to get a good shooting position. The Ultramarines had been repairing a power generator in the west and a second in the south west (objectives) but had been searching some ruins in the north-east when they spotted the dust cloud of approaching vehicles.

Turn One:
Seizing the initiative Purpureus Squad ran into the central ruins. Albus-gravis drove their APC to the South-Western Power generator while Albus-Pugnus headed to the western power generators (5 marines at each). Missiles shattered the drive motor of the first Rifleman and detonated Omega Squads APC killing four Knights.

Ximinez lead Alpha Knights to the west to protect the power generator; the Judges ran into cover while everything else opened fire on the renegades. When the smoke cleared 14 marines were dead leaving just a single Lascannon from Purpureus squad in the ruins and an empty APC in the south-west.

Turn Two:
Supported by Purpureus's lascannon Brother Grumio and the Terminators stomped around the northern side of the central ruins and opened fire on Gamma Knights. The APC seemed to lead a charmed life; with only its storm bolter destoyed. Caecilius and his troops jumped over the ruins and charged into combat with the third Rifleman. The Castellan jumped out of the APC and charged into the Assault Marines swinging wildly. Two Judges are killed. The cardinals men turned their attention to the second power generator and killed four marines (just the melta gun left).

Turn Three:
The Terminators continue their relentless march but Brother Grumio is immobilised and shaken; the other Rifleman is wrecked. Purpureus Squad is wiped out but the last man from Albus will not die! Three Knights from Alpha squad are killed by missiles. Caecilius can not attach meltabombs to the Rifleman and Crowe finally kills some assault marines.

Turn Four:
Gamma's APC continues to lead a charmed life. Crowe finishes off the Assault Marines and Caecilius with cleansing flame and runs towards Brother Grumio. Judge Dread takes out the last tactical marine with his meltagun. Alpha Knights exchange fire with the Devastators; both squads lose a couple of men. A couple of Terminators fall to the combined fire of Gamma & Omega Knights.

Turn Five:
The Terminators finally destroy Gamma's APC! Return fire from four Psycannons & stormbolters kills four including both heavy weapons (snake eyes on the saves). Alpha Knights surge forward to protect the Power Generator and wipe out the last of Plumbeus Devastators. The Knight's Razorback glances the damaged Rhino into a wrecked state.

Victory to the Knights: Two objective to zero.
Ultramarines have - 2 Terminators, Dreadnought (immobilised), Razorback (Immobilised, no gun).
Knights have - Dreadnought, Razorback, 13 Purifers (including all 6 Psycannons), 1 Warrior, both HQ.

I was expecting more from Crowe. However the assault squad was spread out around the Dread so he could not make use of his sweep attack and kept rolling one for his D3 attacks. I did not get to try out the funky grenades or Halberds in combat as there was so little melee in the game. Psycannons were amazing at putting wounds on the Terminators and the Str 7 was useful for dealing with armour.


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