21: Tales of a Splinter Fleet

Game 21: 2000 Points vs Horde Orks
Scenario - Seize Ground (Five objectives), Spearhead deployment

So I am busy wrapping up pass the parcels and making party bags for my daughters third birthday so just a quick battle report about my monday night game against Horde Orks. I played a full drop pod army again so nothing arrive until the bottom of turn two.

Tyranid Air Assault
Hive Tyrant (Old Adversary, Hive Commander, Wings, TL Devs x2)
Zoanthropes x2 in Spore Pod w/ TL Deathspitter
Zoanthropes x2 in Spore Pod w/ TL Deathspitter
Termagants w/ Devourers x20 in Spore Pod w/ TL Deathspitter
Mummy Tervigon (Toxic,Adreanl,Catalysis) [Outflanking]
Broodlord (Toxic) & 6 Genestealers w/ Toxic
Gargoyle Brood x15 w /AG,TS
Carnifex with TL Devs x2, in Spore Pod with TL Deathspitter
Carnifex with TL Devs x2, in Spore Pod with TL Deathspitter

Horde Orks
Ghazghkull Thraka
Big Mek with Kustom Force Field
Da Shoota Boys 3x30
Da Slugga Boys 2x20
Da Grots
Da Stormboys
Da Lootas
Stompy Death Robots (Killa Kans) 3x3

I knew with six troops against my three and five objectives this was going to be difficult...

Battlefield: There is a central building and ruins in each corner with some scatter craters between them. Objectives are the central building, NE, NW & SW Ruins and a NW crater. Orks win the roll off and take the NW quarter to get two objectives in there starting zone. 140 Boys spread out behind a wall of 9 Stompy Death Robots and push east and south filling the table so there is no space for my pods to drop.

Turn Two:
Hive Tyrant swoops in from reserves charging into Stompy Death Robots and manages to stun all three of them! Zoanthropes drop in an crispy fry three Robots; Fex drop in and shoot. Gargoyles dive from the sky charge into a wounded boyz squad and promptly all die. Genestealers charge into Boyz kill half of them but only the Broodlord lives. I really underestimated the damage a few Orks with a Power Klaw will cause...

Turn Three:
Da Lootas shoot up a Spore, Yeah! Boyz and Stormboys assault the Zoanthropes (one unit dies). Broodlord sweeps the Boyz and moves on to the next unit. Mummy arrived and hides behind the SW ruin ready to spew forth babies. The First fex charges into combat with the Stormboys and the second attacks the Stompy Death Robots and crushes them. Devilgaunts arrive and shoot some boyz.

Turn Four:
The one remaining Stompy Death Robot (with no arms) charges the Devilgaunts and they can not do anything about it! Hive Tyrant finally manages to kill the third robot having been constantly stunning them but is assaulted by Boyz and dies at the end of the turn. Ghazghkull and is boyz Warg for a 15" charge into Mummy and cuts her head off (I forgot to roll my FNP saves too! Sob!).

Turn Five:
Carnifex Dies; Stormboyz die; Devilgaunts die; Broodlord dies. Da Grots claim an objective. Deathleaper contests an objective and ...

Turn Six:
... Ghazghkull kills him. More Spores get shot up.

Aftermath: Win for the Orks with two objectives to zero; all I have left is two Spore Pods! There is still ~50 Boyz, Da Lootas, one Stompy Death Robot and both Ork HQ. I was completely out played by a better swarm army.

I am so used to fighting 5-10 man Marines that I forgot what damage Boyz can put out even when reduced in number. I also could not deal with Claws that were ripping through my monsters with 2 wounds a turn. This was a game where I really needed the cluster spines to kill large numbers of Boyz. I am glad I tried out pod-fex; The conclusion though is - never again. They are louse in melee and the one turn of shooting does not make up for it. I will proxy them up as Trygons for another game as some point and see if they fair any better. Deathleaper was there for Psi protection (worthless against Orks). He was fun for contesting an objective but not as useful as the Ymgarls would have been.


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