Ultramarine Battle Reports

I have spent the last week painting up the tanks I got off ebay over the last year. They are now all a uniform Ultramarine blue. Next I need to add some detail. Doing so made me want to play my marines again since they had not been out of the box for almost two years. Here is My helper setting up terrain before she goes off to bed and a couple of quick battle reports to keep you entertained.

Game 1: 1500 points Ultramarines vs Space Wolves
Dawn of War, Seize Ground

objectives: Eldar Graveyard (NW)), Webway Dialer (SW), 2 Power relays (NE & SE)
In am attempt to get his enemy to turn on each other Vect has leaked the location of an Elder Webway portal to two Space Marine companies. He had also told them a band of renegade marines were looting the area. This resulted in both armies sending an armoured company to secure the location. With the rain lashing down around them in the darkness both forces opened fire, in typical marine fashion, as soon as they saw the lights of the opposing vehicles...

Space Wolves (not all gear listed)
Rune Priest Penda leading 8 Grey Hunters & Wolf Guard w/ Fist in Rhino
Rune Priest Ozur & Wolf Priest Tola leading 9 Grey Hunters & Wolf Guard w/ Fist in Land Raider Crusader
Five Long Fangs in Lazerback
Dreadnought Vandrad
Land speeder w/ HF, MM

Librarian Bolland (Avenger & Null Zone) leading ASM x5 with Flamer in Rhino
Armitage & Steel Rifleman Dreadnaughts
Dreadnaught Dante with Plasma Cannon, Heavy Flamer
Tactical Squad Alpha - Melta, MM, Rhino
Tactical Squad Beta - Flamer, Missile, Rhino
2 Squadrons x1 MM/HF Landspeeder
AutoLas Predator x3

Rune Priest Penda drove his APC into the graveyard and it sunk into the soft mud unable to move further. The Fangs zoomed forward to get a good firing position but an accurate burst of laser fire from the Ultramarines exploded the Razorback and killed four of the fangs. Trooper Sven grabbed the Lazer-cannon from the wreckage and hoisting it to his shoulder detonated Dante's power pack and arced the beam across the enemy APC's ripping the tracking from two of them. Bolland lead his troops forward and charged into Penda depleted force and the two units wiped each other out leaving the graveyard full of bones.

Driving around the eastern side of the central ruins the Land raider came under attack from the landspeeders buts was saved by its smoke. Return fire ripped the guns off the speeders and Vandrad stomped over and crushed one when it tried to roast him with its flamer. Laser fire glancing off its armoured hull the raider rolled forward with Ozur leading his forced forward to wipe out Alpha squad and Beta-gravis. The raider fired its guns at Beta-pugnus but could not dislodge the troops who were huddled around the webway dialler. Armitage charged into Ozurs troops keeping them occupied.

Aftermath: It was a fun game but quite static with the Wolves holding back until they had blasted away the melta's and my APC's getting immobilised quickly (one by terrain). I had five turns of 6 lasers shooting the Raider and all I got was one stun and an immobilised turn six! We played the extra turn at the end to see if the Wolves could kill the last 3 tacical marines on the objective but they did not have enough firepower with only the raider and Dread.

Game 2: 1500 Points Ultramarines vs Grey Knights
Pitched Battle Annihilation

I try not to proxy too much stuff but as I had to take all my folders into University for moderation I wanted an army that I could carry around easily and 27 terminators fit that bill very well. Despite being annihilation the Ultramarines used combat squads to get best use of the heavy weapons and set up in as a static gun-line ready to receive the Knights charge. Going second I put all the Knights into the SW corner behind a hill blocking line of sight from most of the marines.

Ultramarines (11 Kill Points due to Combat Squads)
Chaplain Caecilius with Jump Pack, Melta Bombs
Purpureus Tactical Squad with Melta, Lascannon & power-gauntlet
Albus Tactical Squad with Melta, Plasma Cannon & power-gauntlet in a Rhino
Plumbeus Devastator Squad with 4 Missile Launchers in Razorback with TL Lascannon
Tripudio 5 man Assault Squad with Power-gauntlet and Plasma Pistol.
Tempestas Terminator Squad with assault cannon & CML
Brother Grumio Dreadnought
Grey Knights (5 Kill Points)
Librarian with Shrouding, Sanctuary, Might
Inquisitor with TDA, Psycannon and Hammer
2x10 Tactical Terminators with 2 Cannons and mixed weapons
1x5 Paladins with 2 Cannons and mixed weapons

The Librarian lead his Squad into the ruins at the top of the hill and between Terminator armour and shrouding only three of them died (all in turn two). After wiping out Tripudio on the first turn they spent four turns exchanging fire with the Terminators killing nine of them.

The Paladins hugged the ridge of the hill for cover as they advanced before charging forward to crush marines and the Razorback in melee. The Inquisitor split off and wrecked the Rhino. They only took a single wound all game but I was constantly worried every time they got shot by a melta or laser.

The second unit of Terminator Knights did very little due to my target denial strategy. They lost one man to a scattering plasma cannon and killed the Chaplin and Dreadnought. This left the Ultramarine with 15 Marines and 1 Terminator at the end of turn five.

Losing four Knights in the second turn made me worried I would be torrented to death. However I only failed one more save in the next three turns making the final score 7-0 to the Knights. I liked playing the army but it would have been a lot harder with objectives since I barely moved any of the units forward.


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