D&D Quest: Session One

D&D Quest: Session One

A new game of Dads and Daughters playing Dungeons and Dragons.  We have three families introducing the next generation (age 8 -12) to this great game.

The Party
Arden De Vere, Bard of Apollo: Half Elven Noble who disguises himself as human.
Magrig:  A hulking half Orc Barbarian with a fetish for Axes.
Fyonar: An Elven Mage who has spent the last 90 years cloistered away learning arcane arts.  Owner of a magical sword.
Medrash: Dragonborn Paladin who wants to learn about Druidism.
Kara: Human Scout and sharpshooter.  She makes a living selling hides from animals she has hunted in the wilds with her long bow.

The day started in the northern port of Icehaven.  The mayor announced that the Happy Wanderer had been wrecked off Grey Point and this could be a trading disaster for the city as it was the second vessel to go down.  He called upon the town folk to see if anyone would go and investigate.  Five brave adventures came forward.  They met in the mayor’s office with him and other town dignitaries.

Agreeing a fee of 100 crowns each to investigate the monsters sinking ships and an extra 10 crowns for each survivor rescued.  While our heroes made ready several townsfolk came and asked them to find missing loved ones.  As the party rode south then encountered several villagers walking north who said they had fled the troubles at Grey Point.  Kara got information from them about the lie of the land.

Leaving the horses in the empty stable everyone went down to the beach where figures could be seen moving around on the wreck.  Trying to carefully approaching the ship Arden tripped and fell into the water which washed away his makeup revealing his alabaster white skin.  This was somewhat of a surprise to the others.

Upon reaching the vessel a group of merfolk were surprised.  Arden played a tune of sleeping on his flute and all but one of them drifted off into slumber.  The last one raised his hands in surrender.  Arden and Fyonar performed a ritual of comprehension so they could understand him.  He said his name was Bright Coral and invited the party to come back to his village saying they would all be able to communicate if they did so.  After some debate the party went with the merfolk and were given shell necklaces that allowed them to breath underwater and speak Aquan.

Bright Coral explained that a sea hag had taken the clans queen egg and all the young merfolk had followed her as they were compelled to follow the queen.  Only he and a few other elders had resisted the call.  She had two Merrow (sea Ogres) in her employ and it was them who were wrecking the ships.  He pleaded for help in recovering the Queen.

Directed to a cave on the beach where the hag lived the party began exploring.  After dealing with five large crabs some of the missing cargo was discovered.  While carrying this out of the caves two more Merfolk were encountered.  Arden managed to persuade them to assist.  He sent one to alert Bright Coral and the other, Salt Rock, to lead them to the Queen.

As they advanced down the watery passageways another group of five Merfolk blocked the path.  These would not listen to reason and combat broke out.  Fyonar led with a fan of burning flames across the corridor which allowed Kara, Medrash and Magrig to finish the rest.

Deeper into the cave Ivan Icebreaker and five other survivors were found in cages.  Kara picked the locks and the exhausted humans trailed behind as everyone continued to the final chamber.

Seeing many shiny objects arranged around the room and strange singing coming from an anti-chamber ahead Arden took a jug with a plan forming.  He raised the hood on his cloak, blending into the background, and sneaked forward.  The hag was more perceptive than he expected, and he was spotted.  She asked if he had brought her any shining objects but was not fooled when offered the jug which she recognised.

She was not pleased to see the humans and matters worsen when asked about the exit to the surface.  She dropped her guise causing Arden and Fyonar to be repelled by her horrific appearance.  At her call the two Merrow came stomping from the other side of the chamber raising their harpoons.

A ray of frost slowed one allowing everyone to focus all their attacks on the other.  Medrash smashed his flail into the creature with holy power and Magrig frothed at the mouth in a berserk rage.  Quickly the first Merrow fell dead.  Arden saw the Hag was gathering the egg and looking to depart.  He shouted a warning to Medrash who charged after her while the rest prepared to face the second Merrow…


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