To D or not to D.

Dungeons and Dragons Character: Arden De Vere

Unusually I came up with a character concept based on a race and background rather than picking a class to play.  From that I build up the character.

A half-elf noble. His father is an Elven Prince his mother Human nobility but he is not truly part of either society. His mother’s affair with an Elven Prince was the family scandal sixty years ago but is now all but forgot. Mother is now in her seventies and Arden's Nephew is the Duke and does not like him hanging around the house. Growing up he learns to rely on his glib tongue to talk his way out of situations and to disguise himself to look Human. He was cloistered away for much of his youth and was taught by priests where he became an excellent story teller and student of Lore.

Arden's MacGuffin is be finding magic to aid his mother and restore her youth. Mechanically that would be getting Wish spell at Lvl 18 and using it to cast Clone. Story wise adventuring is his quest to learn more arcane lore and unlock magical secrets.

His father is Moon Elf Prince and he has inherited the alabaster skin and uses a disguise kit to power his skin, so it looks more human. He has lots of hair and uses a headband to make sure it covers his ears. Having visited the Elven lands once, a decade or two ago, Arden charmed his way in to meet his father. Once he identified who he was his father told him he had to leave as his presence in the city was an impediment to his political schemes.

Now Arden spends a lot of time in Taverns or Inns playing his Lyre to entertain people. He is usually melancholy. He is about 60 years old but looks 20 and everyone he grew up with has had kids, grand kids and most of them are now dead. His only friend is his ageing mother. He has a family name that will open doors but most of his actual family do not speak to him.

Character Class
Originally I was thinking of a Fighter, Swashbuckler Rogue or maybe a Wizard but then I saw that in Fifth Edition Bards have been elevated to full casters.  I have always preferred utility Wizards to blaster casters which made this ideal.  I also decided to take a single level dip into Cleric.  This gives better armour and some additional spells.  Apollo is the god of music and gives Life domain which fits well together.

Feats and Abilities increases
For progression there are several useful options.  The advantage of rolling abilities means I only need to use one to get Charisma to 20 (its maximum).  That leaves four feats to take by twentieth level. Options I am thinking of:

  • Inspiring Leader - 15-25 Temp HP 3 times/day to everyone in the party is a massive Buff
  • Resistance (Con) - Extra HP and better Concentration Saves
  • Ritual Caster - Expands spell options but overlaps with  any Wizard in the party
  • Lucky - Anything that removed variance is clearly good for everyone
  • Spell Sniper (Eldritch Blast) - Bards lack attack spells and this gives them one with bonuses

Spell Power
The main weakness of the Bard compared to the Wizard is the limit of known spells.  Excluding Magical Secrets they only get 16 spells from the Bard list (about 2 per level).  Clerical spells allow Ardent to have Healing Word memorized at any level but it slightly more powerful as a Bard spell.  This makes it an easy spell to forget at any level when a new spell is needed.  At low levels you will have some other spells, such as Sleep, but these will get traded out as they become less useful.

1st Level
1. Comprehend Languages (I like this ritual for a Bard)
2. Dissonant Whispers (or possibly Hideous Laughter)
3. Healing Word (replace with Raise Dead/Regenation later)

2nd Level
4. Heat Metal
5. Suggestion
6. Blindness

3rd Level
7. Hypnotic Pattern
8. Dispel Magic

4th Level
9. Dimension Door
10. Polymorph

5th Level
11. Animate Objects
12. Hold Monster

6th Level
13. Mass Suggestion

7th Level
14. Force cage
15. Teleport
3. Regeneration - Replace Healing Word

8th Level
16. Mind Blank

Magical Secrets
The big draw of Bards is being able to steal the best spells from every class.  Once again though they are limited with how many they can take.  I could see pushing Fireball until level 14 to focus more on buff/healing the party.  Greater Steed lets you have a Pegasus.  From level 18 Wish seems to be the only level 9 spell you will cast which is why there are no others on the list above.

Magical Secrets Options
MS6: Counter spell, Conjure Animals, Fireball, Spiritual Weapon
MS10: Death Ward, Find Greater Steed, Wall of Force, Transmute Rock
MS14: Contingency, Heal, Healing Spirit, Wall of Thorns, Wind Walk, Reverse Gravity
MS18: Maze, Wish, Mass Heal

What is in a name?
Some people may have heard of Edward de Vere and that he has been among the most popular alternative candidates proposed for the authorship of Shakespeare's works.  He used to have a home in the Forest of Arden.


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