Lost Mine of Phandelver Episode 6 and 7

Campaign Log: Lost Mine of Phandelver

Our Heroes
Character Description
Myandir Silveroak An Elven Wizard and Acolyte of Selune, Goddess of the Moon
Rance Raddish A folk hero Thief armed with a pair of Short Sword
Bjorn 'Bearkiller' Katho-Olavi An 8' tall Goliath Great Weapon Battle Master in shiny Split mail.
Raymondo Angigua Debonair and roguish storyteller who (thinks) he can talk his way out of any situation.
Nessa May Half-Elven Charlatan making her way through life using her wit and musical ability.

Chapter Six: Wyvern Tor
With Bjorn and Nessa searching other parts of the hills the remaining three heroes found there way to the Orcs den on the Tor.  A stealthy approach failed and the watch-orc let out a yell bringing more Orcs running down the small passageway out of the den.  Behind the orcs came stomping an ogre!

Using the entrance as a choke point Myandir quickly summoned Rover, the flaming sphere, who like all good puppies just wanted to cuddle up the orcs.  With flames behind them and flashing swords in front the orc leader quickly fell in battle leaving the last two to break and run.

As the orcs fled Myandir stepped up and enchanted the ogre with his hypnotic gaze and calming words.  This allowing his friends to drink healing drafts.  Once everyone was ready all four (Rover counts) attacked the Ogre quickly slaying the beast.

 It did not take long to track down the two fleeing orcs and their corpses were quickly added to the rest.  From here we returned to the main trail and headed to Conyberry.

From the ruins of Conyberry, an old trail leads north into Neverwinter Wood. Agatha's lair is a dome like shelter a few miles into the forest.  As we entered the air grows cold, and a powerful feeling of dread griped us. A cold, pale light flickers in the air, rapidly taking on the form of a female elf, her hair and robes waving in a spectral wind.  She snarls "What foolish mortals, do you want here? Do you not know it is death to seek me out?"  Fortunately Raymondo's words soothed her and when presented with the gift Mayandir carried she agreed to answer one, and only one, question.

While he wished to help the priestess saving his friend Gundren was more important to Myandir so he quickly asked for the location of Cragmaw Castle which she was able to give.

Chapter Seven: Cragmaw as last!

Meeting back up with our friends we followed Agatha's directions and headed into the woods.  Another patrol of orcs attacked our camp that night but early the next day we at last made it to our destination.  Will Gundrun still be here?

Deciding that guile rather than brute strength was the best approach we disguised ourselves using the Redbrand cloaks we still carried.  Nessa turned herself and Bjorn invisible as we approached the gates.

The goblin at the entrance was suspicious of us but Raymondo easily convinced him we were working for the Black Spider so he led us to the banqueting hall where a dozen goblins were cooking up a stew.

We learnt that Gundrun was still here in the cells but the goblins wanted us to give them food or money to carry on through the castle and see the goblin King.  With no easy way to carry on battle broke out.  Myandir started by webbing most of the goblins.

One of the nasty creatures was able to use a horn to sound the alarm and as we cut the goblins down several hobgoblins came charging from the northern wing.  They managed to injure Rance and Myandir before they were also all cut down by the precise blows of Bjorn.  Being in somewhat of a disarray the party needed a short rest before contining on to their goal.

Image Credits
Orc Attack by NatchMon
Ogre from ScottPurdy
Castle Ruins by SourShade


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