Lost Mine of Phandelver Episode 8

Campaign Log: Lost Mine of Phandelver

Our Heroes
Character Description
Myandir Silveroak An Elven Wizard and Acolyte of Selune, Goddess of the Moon
Rance Raddish A folk hero Thief armed with a pair of Short Sword
Bjorn 'Bearkiller' Katho-Olavi An 8' tall Goliath Great Weapon Battle Master in shiny Split mail.
Raymondo Angigua Debonair and roguish storyteller who (thinks) he can talk his way out of any situation.

Chapter Eight: Rescuing Gundrun
Thinking our element of surprise was done after all the shouting and screams we hurried through the eastern door in the northern turret and found ourselves in the castle chapel.  Before the Goblins here could act Raymondo flicked an enchanted cricket across the room and they all fell to the floor sleeping.

Myandir pulled the curtain to the south open to check for more Goblins and was perceptive enough to see the the giant worm like body of the Grick as it dropped from the ceiling trying to peck him with its beak.  He was able to impose his Shield in the way once again remaining unharmed.  Rance dashed through the opening to help fight the monster while Bjorn, Goblin-slayer, proved he could decapitate sleeping foes.  Once the Goblins were no more of a threat he came through the other curtain and sliced chunks out of the monster distracting it enough for Rance to slide his rapier deep into its brain.  

Searching the room several statues were found along with some potions of healing on one of the Goblins who was dressed in the robes of a priest.  Looking around Myandir could see the shrine had been rededicated to Maglubiyet, the god of goblins but the images of Oghma (god of knowledge) and Mystra (goddess of magic) could still be seen.  He pulled down the crude charms and decorations and burn them.  With no more immediate threats the party took a quick rest to recover their breath before continuing further east.

Travelling through a store room the party moved into the eastern most tower.  Before trying the door Myandir went to look behind the curtain to prevent an ambush and saw a troop of Hobgoblins who were waiting to charge at them.  A fierce battle ensured with the party pushing the Hobgoblins south out to have more enemies charge from the room behind them.  A drow accompanied by a wolf charged out attacking Rance from behind.  Bjorn stepped back to assist striking the drow several times with his blade, at it fell the form shifted and changed into that of a doppleganger.  Then a voice shouted out from the room "I am King Grol surrender or I slay this Dwarf now!"

With little time to act Myandir was able to teleport into the room and tried to hypnotize the Bugbear leader.  Grol's mental defenses were too strong and he shook off the mind control attempt and stabbed Gundren who fell bleeding to the floor.  Raymondo also tried to control Grol's mind but no avail.  Fortunately his strong mind could not withstand the sharp edge of Bjorn's blade.  As the two mighty figures battled a prayer from Myandir stopped Gundren from passing on to the next life.  Finally the clash of blades ended with many goblinoid bodies scattered across the stone floor.

Searching the room we found more gems and coins but more importantly Gundren's map showing the location of Wave Echo cave.  We promised Gundren we would go there and try to save his brothers from the Black Spider.  In return he offered us each a 2% share in the profits of his mining operation once it was back up and running.  First though we had one last tower to clear to ensure we had rid the castle of all the Goblin menace.

Pushing the door open we were shocked to see another Owlbear.  Bolts of fire an blades dispatched the beast and we saw that it was being used to guard a large chest.  This contained many coins as well as magical scrolls of silence and revivify.  Exactly what the party needed in case one of us should fall in battle.  Having cleared the castle we headed back to Phandalin to rest up and plan our next move.

Image Credits
Goblins from  thewhorl.obsidianportal.com
Castle map by Dyson logo he also has a player map


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