Penhaligon - A local guide
Local area map The Barony of Penhaligon is located in the north of the Grand Duchy of Karamekois. North through the mountains is the trade route to Selenica in the Republic of Darokin. To the East is the Barony of Moorwood and Alfheim home of the Sylvan Elves. South is the Barony of Kelvin while West are the mountains full of Orcs and few stubborn Dwarfs. Locations of note in the region City of Penhaligon Capital of the region ruled by a council of Lady Arteris Penhaligon and four senior knights. Population is about 85% human with the rest being a mix of Dwarves, Half-Orcs, Half-Elfs, some Hin traders and a small delegation of Sylvan Elves. The city is the last large population center heading north on the Duke’s Road, which actually bisects Penhaligon from north to south. Although Penhaligon has some rough neighborhoods most of the population is what the modern world would consider “working poor,” there are no desperate slums. Penhaligon is famou...