WFRP Chapter 1-52: Wanna be Startin' Somethin'


Background: Warhammer where the renaissance meets magic.  Explore the Old World.  Based in the town of Kreutzhofen, A sleepy trading town in Wissenland, where the Grey and Black mountains meet but nearby the minions of Chaos plot disruption.

Our Heroes

  • Morgan (David) - Human Apprentice Wizard
  • Rubinifa (Rob) - Human Thief
  • Flendac (Kris) - Human woodsman

Chapter 1 ~ A meeting of Friends

As a woodsman Flendac would chop wood for Granny Weatherwax the old witch who lived outside town.  Their he met her apprentice Morgan.  He would also drink at the Black Eagle tavern in Kreutzhofen where he met Rubinifa a local petty criminal who was often spending his ill gotten gains at the bar.

All three were looking to further their careers and find fame and fortune in the world.  Kurt von Strom, a Sargent in the local watch, mentioned some bandits had been seen in pass to Mortensholm. 

Together with a couple of other local lads our heroes headed into the Winter's Teeth pass where they were able to defeat a small group of bandits.  The group also met Hernan the big friendly giant who lived in the pass.  Flendac was able to convince the giant of their peaceful intentions by helping to stop some marauding goblins who were plaguing him.  The group had gained their first ally.

Chapter 2-52 ~ Adventure

Taking the name Morgan's men for their newly formed mercenary group they returning to town and visited the local enclave of artists.  Here they met Asterellion the Elven leader of the group.  He mentioned that some humans had been smuggling Elven artifacts out of of Athel Loren and the elves would pay gold should the culprits be uncovered.

Through his criminal contacts Rubinifa heard that local  anarchist Leon Czolgosz had taken out an assassination contract.  Thinking they could make some money our heroes followed him a few miles north to Weilerberg where he broke into a town house.  Rushing in they saved the occupant who turned out to be a woman named Dagmar.

Dagmar had been recruiting outlaws to work together and be hired out as mercenaries.  She offered a job to the group protecting some merchants that had arrived the previous day.

The merchants took our heroes west through the Mondidier pass into the Wildwoods.  They continued on to a secluded glade where a stack of crates was hidden under a tarpaulin.  As the merchants were loading these onto the cart Asterellion and his troupe of War-dancers arrived.  Asterellion was confused to see Flendac and asked if they were trying to stop or aid the theft?  To convince Asterellion Morgan and his men had no choice but to murder the merchants.  Where upon the Elves took all the goods and left.

Looking for a fresh start Morgan's Men headed south through the pass to Mortensholm.  On the way they were forced to pay a toll to another outlaw gang lead by Gabriel Martinelli.  Finally reaching a new town they fell in with local merchant Thomas La Mar.  Having completed a few jobs for him it became apparent Thomas was actually a leading figure in a chaos cult and was trying to recruit Morgan into the fold!

Fleeing back to Kreutzhofen our heroes found another job for a gentleman named Scyla.  This seemed safe enough all they had to do was retrieve a magical ring from a man called Hogan.

Having completed this task and delivered the ring our gang were confronted by Silavan a powerful wizard and merchant from Wusterburg.  He explained Scyla was the leader of the Cult of the Crimson Skull.  Hogan's task had been to wipe out these Khorne worshipers and that task now fell to Morgan.  He paid Morgan 300 crowns to get the job done.

Accepting it would be suicide to take his posse of five sell-swords against a dozen Khorne berserkers Morgan used the money to hire Dagmar's Dragoons.  Together they wiped out the Crimson Skull cult.  Unfortunately Dagmar's men also took most of the spoils.

Morgan was left with the strange ring that had belonged to Hogan.  Examining it with his magical sense he discovered it was an artifact of Tzeentch! Meaning Silavan was actually another servant of chaos.

Rubinifa returned to Kreutzhofen while Morgan led the rest of his men south back to Mortensholm with the plan to sell the ring to Thomas La Mar.  Thomas was overjoyed to see Morgan return but thought  this was because they were ready to join his cult.  He started to warm up a branding iron ready to perform the initiation ceremony.  The verbal protests from our heroes turned into a pitched battle inside the warehouse when Thomas realised they were not willing to join his underground cult.  Only Morgan and Flendac got out; the rest of his men were left behind dead, or dying, among the stacks of crates.

Image Credits

WFRP rule book pictures and Map from gitzmansgallery.


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