WFRP Chapter 55: Stand and Delivery


Background: Exploring the 'Old World' of Warhammer where the renaissance meets magic.  In Wissenland, where the Grey and Black mountains meet, sits the sleepy trading town of Kreutzhofen but nearby the minions of Chaos plot disruption.

Our Heroes

  • Rubinifa (Rob) - Human Thief
  • Faefiel (Elliot) - Elven Outlaw
  • Ragnar (Oliver) - Human Bodyguard
  • Tayy Whitethorn (Michael) - Halfling Cook

Chapter 55

Listening to the rumors around the bar Tayy heard that three members of the watch had their throats slit the other night while they had been collecting protection money from ships.  There was a reward of 50 crowns for information or 100 crowns for the heads of the perpetrators!

Gathering his friends they all went to the watch house to find out more information.  Captain Lotar mentioned the men has been killed out on the east road but seemed to be holding back about telling all he knew.

Taking a morning stroll along the river bank the group eventually found an ambush site on the north near the tributary to Weilerburg.  As noone was skilled at following trails this became a dead and and everyone returned to the Black Eagle pub.

Here the barmaid told Rubinifa that over the last few weeks most of the local watch had been replaced by newcomers from Wusterburg. She was having to pay them 5 crowns a week to stay in business as were many other businesses in town.

Also in the pub were many bounty hunters who had heard about the reward who were willing to pay a few crowns for information.  Looking to maximise profit we split up and sold the information to two bounty hunters and led them separately to the ambush location.  They were a bit upset on arriving and finding what we had done but we still got paid by one of them.

Returning to town we went to the docks to try and find out more information.  Tayy made up a story about expecting a shipment of pipe weed and was able to bribe Gertrude, the dock manager, with cake to find out which ships had arrive that night.

Only the Blue Otter was still in port.  Tayy talked to the captain and by a happy coincidence he had been selling tobacco!  Tayy continued with his pipe weed ruse and was able to find out that Captain Zorin was looking to buy Elven antiquities.  This was used as a front to send Faefiel onboard as a prospective seller.  She was able to find out more information about the protection tax boats were being made to pay.

Discussing what we knew it looked like the bandits had waited until all the boats had paid there tax and then killed the watchman to steal that nights takings.

Returning to the pub Yohan mentioned that Captain Lotar has been talking with a group of bounty hunters.  We stayed and watched them and a couple of hours  later they headed out.  Noting the time we reasoned they were going to the ambush site and followed behind at a distance.

There we saw two outlaws leap out of the bushes to attack the watchman and the four bounty hunters we had followed dashed over demanding they surrender.  Things got even more confusing as other outlaws and bounty hunters swarmed out of the undergrowth and joined in.

Sneaked forward Rubinifa engaged in melee while the rest used bows.  Tayy accidentally shot an Outlaw and was then attacked by another outlaw from the undergrowth.  He nimbly dodged a killing blow (18 damage) and then blathered at the Outlaw to confuse her allowing him and Ragnar to run away.

Rubinifa recognised Dagmar the outlaw leader and joined her he killing the bounty hunters.  When the battle was over he used his last healing potion to save a critically injured outlaw.  Dagmar let him loot Eric body, one of the bounty hunters.  This worked well for he found a magic ring of protection as well as a bag of gold that he shared with his friends.

Image Credits
Docks by jordangrimmer
 Ambush By lucasgraciano.


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