WFRP Chapter 59: Money for nothing


Our Heroes

  • Morgan (David F.) - Fire Wizard
  • Ragnar (Oliver) - Human Bodyguard
  • Tayy Whitethorn (Michael) - Halfling Cook

Chapter 59

 Having collected the money we were owed from the Tavern we decided to combine our plans and get a second barrel as well as look to trade some Spells for Morgan.  Our journey through the pass was easy.  On the way we saw Hernan who paid us 30 gold to bring him tobacco.

Having reached the Orcs Maruge, the Shaman, was not keen to trade more wine.  She was wanting Elf bows.  Then she asked for almost as much money as we were going to sell the barrel for! With some persuasion Tayy was able to convince here to sell for a more reasonable price giving a promise that next time we would return with Elven bows when we wanted wine.

Morgan and Maruge talked about magic and showed off spells to each other.  Maruge tried three times to get a fear spell to work on Ragnar and Tayy before they finally ran away.  It did not seem like a good spell!  Eventually she agreed to teach Morgan a new spell for 300 gold.

As we returned to Kreutzhofen we passed Hernan who saw the barrel and wanted the wine.  Morgan said he would bring some with the tobacco tomorrow.  As we continued down the pass four bandits also asked for the wine.  Tayy suggested they might want the other stuff Morgan had got today.  They said "yes" and Morgan unleashed his new spell! The lightning strike killed two so the others surrendered giving us a small boost in funds.  Back at town we went and got Ragnar some armour from the blacksmiths.

The next day as we were packing up the cart Silavan came to talk to Morgan.  He was upset that Greeg had still not sold the property he required.  This time he was very forceful and hired the group for a permanent solution to his problems.  We delivered the tobacco and barrel of beer to Hernan but it was a bit of struggle to get him to pay for the alcohol.  Morgan was just able to break even with the few coins Hernan payed.

Returning to town Morgan used his magic cloak of disguise to look like a tradesman and found out the location of Greeg's house which we went to investigate.  The house now had armed guards, two at each door.  There was a stable outside and we came up with a quick plan of returning at night, burning down the stable and then assassinating Greeg in the confusion.

Image Credits
Wine By inobras
Town buildings By grimdreamart.


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