WFRP Chapter 84: Love of my Life

Summary: Acquiring gold and rescuing prisoners.

Our Heroes

  • Hayley (Elliot) - Human Duelist
  • Madoc (David) - Human Friar of Manann [Poseidon]
  • Tayy Whitethorn (Michael) - Halfling Trainee Assassin 
  • Zena (Oliver) - Human Artillerist
  • Rubinifer (Rob) - Human Outlaw Chief

Chapter 84 ~ Love of my Life

Tayy wanted to head out and recover the gold before Silavan returned however Rubinifa was ruled by the heart and wanted to go and rescue Sarah, his new found love.  There was only one thing we could do - split the party!

Asking around Rubinifa heard that three men has been seen walking towards Serrig with a carpet over their shoulders.  This is the direction the assassins would have to head for returning to Grung Rakadan.

Hiring passage on a barge Rubinifa and Zena headed off east.  As night was approaching the next day they heard shouts and sounds of battle off in the woods.  Jumping ship they went to investigate.  Here they found the Teller assassins, with their prisoner, surrounded by a large greenskin warband trying to negotiate for their lives.

The two humans surprised the Orcs by walking out and negotiating with them.  Rubinifa offered money (almost all he had) in exchange for Sarah.  Bronzino the Orc leader agreed.  He stepped forward and killed the first assassin.  A Goblin stabbed the second (26 damage) and the giant obliterating foot of Gork, or was it Mork, came out of the sky at the Shaman's bidding to finish off the third.

Rubinifa tossed the money on the ground and Bronzino rolled Sarah over to him.  Helping her up the three fled.  Sarah was given a healing potion as she was badly injured and they all made the short journey to Serrig to rest up.

Meanwhile the other three had taken the cart towards Mortensholm to get more bricks.  On the way they met the next delivery for the temple and decided it would be quicker to use those bricks so returened to Kreutshofen.  Next morning they set out with these bricks to the sheltered valley.  

Here Maruge decided to renegotiate the deal demeaning double the amount of bricks previously agreed. Tayy managed to bargain to get 6 pallets of bricks for the 10 they had.  As we headed back to Kreutshofen Tayy removed the gold bars from the pallets of bricks, just in case of an ambush.

Back at the mill we examined our haul.  Each bar was worth about 150 crowns but it would be difficult for us to get the full value for each bar given most people would think they were stolen property.


Image Credits -  
art by vorueg
Animation frame from the opening titles to Monty Python’s Flying Circus


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