WFRP Chapter 85: Bear Necessities
Our Heroes
- Hayley (Elliot) - Human Duelist
- Madoc (David) - Human Friar of Manann [Poseidon]
- Flendac (Kris) - Human Master Assassin
- Tayy Whitethorn (Michael) - Halfling Trainee Assassin
- Zena (Oliver) - Human Artillerist
- Rubinifer (Rob) - Human Outlaw Chief
Chapter 85 ~ Bear Necessities
Having reached the town of Serrin Sarah's rescuers needed to fill time waiting for a barge returning to Kreutshofen. Leaving the couple alone Zena wandered around the local gin festival as well as sampling the other delights she found available at the dock side. Rubinifa and Sarah spent a couple of days staring into each others eyes and getting to know each other.
Meanwhile back in Kreutshofen Silvan surprised the rest of the party thanks to his new haircut and fine clothes. Having found out that Hayley was now in charge of Morgan's Men (the name lasting longer than the man himself) he offered 2000 crowns for Dagmar's head! After a brief discussion Hayley told him we would need to scout out Weilerberg and find out about this outlaw before accepting the job.
Ignoring the job offer completely we carried on with our brick trade. After all turning mundane bricks into gold bars was much more profitable. We only needed a single trip to Mortensholm to get enough bricks to complete all the trades with Maruge. This is because the pallets of bricks she was selling us could be traded back the following day once the gold was removed.
Just after midnight our camp in the pass was attacked. It seemed new bandits had moved into the area and two of them crept up on Hayley and Flendac as they chatted.
The first bandit tried to put Hayley to sleep with a petty magic spell she resisted. Flendec was not so fortunate as the second had gloves of the cobra. Fate was on his side as not enough venom was injected to kill him outright. It seemed one of the fangs caught on his harness. A short and bloody battle followed as other bandits rushed towards the camp. None were a match for Flendec and his plucky bolas tossing sidekick. Tayy entangled two of the opponents who fell to singe strikes from our chief assassin. When the dust settled Hayley became the new owner of the death dealing gloves.
Having purchased bricks we had to make another camp on our return. This time the most dangerous monster in the area was attracted by left over food - a Grizzly Bear! Not wanting to take any changes Hayley shot it with a sleep arrow. While it was snoozing she then approached to kill it. Rather than taking an easy coup de grĂ¢ce that might have spoiled the hide she went for strike to the neck that did not sink deep enough through the thick muscle and hide.
With a roar the monotonous bear reared up and slashed its claws deep in Hayley's arm almost killing her with a single blow. Flendac had to help her finish the creature off before she was eaten.
Eventually we arrived at the orc encampment. Seeing the bandages on Hayley's arm Maruge offered to sell her a healing potion for 100 gold (even more expensive than town). Hayley polity refused. Having completing our brick trade our two groups met back up in Kreutshofen.
Over the next couple of days we completed our unfinished tasks. Getting the rest of the gold we made a quick sale to the armory for a third of its value netting each of us 150 crowns. It just did not seem worth the hassle of looking for better deals while also keeping knowledge of the gold bars away from Silavan.
Next we visited Dagmar. Collecting the 50 crowns she owed and informed her of the bounty. She was disappointed it was not 5000 crowns and, as expected, offered us 2000 crowns for Silavan's head.
Having got all of this sorted the next plan we agreed upon was to go and find Bronzino and his Orc warband. Wiping them out would prove a profitable encounter as well helping to make the local area safer from travelers.
art by jankalateckova
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