WFRP Chapter 86: Let Me Rest In Peace

Summary: Silavan meets a sticky end...

Our Heroes

  • Hayley (Elliot) - Human Duelist
  • Madoc (David) - Human Friar of Manann [Poseidon]
  • Tayy Whitethorn (Michael) - Halfling Trainee Assassin 
  • Zena (Oliver) - Human Artillerist
  • Rubinifer (Rob) - Human Outlaw Chief

Chapter 85 ~ Let Me Rest In Peace

As we were preparing to leave on our hunt Asterellion came and offered us a 2000 crown bounty on Dagmar.  He had finally discovered she was the one responsible for selling Elven antiquities.  He also though she was in league with the Skaven which was why he was outsourcing the job.

Having made a decision to hunt Bronzino's War band we ignored his offer and headed off along the road to Serrig.  Unfortunately we made it all the way to the next city without finding them!

Looking for accommodation Rubinifa bumped into Captain Jamerson.  She mentioned that all boats heading west were being attacked and offered to hire us for protection.  Making a deal for life long free passage on her barge for Morgan's Men (our mercenary company) we agreed to leave with her in the morning.

Mid morning the next day a figure hailed the barge from the northern bank.  Silavan was standing there leaning on his staff.  He called out to Hayley and Rubinifa and asked if he could have a lift to Kreutshofen.

With our mortal enemy on the vessel the rest of the journey was a little tense.  As he disembarked Silavan has a few words to say to Hayley.  He was very stern and upset that under Hayley's leadership our company had not been completing the tasks he asked of us.  He made it clear that the river to Serrig was now for the sole use of De Bellen trading.  The Orcs were now working for him and if we did not tow the line we would all find our throats slit in the night.  He then headed off to the trading company.

After a long discussion we decided there was no option other than to kill Silavan now.  Using the pretext of renegotiating the contract on Dagmar (as he too had put a bounty on her head) we all went into the trading house.

Silavan was talking with Kenny, the new manager.  Dirk the forman and three guards were also present.  Rubinifa and Hayley talked with Silavan who agreed to pay 3000 crowns if we got the job done in two days.  As Hayley shook his hand, our prearranged signal to attack, Rubinifa stabbed Silavan in the back.  He used his bands of power inflicting two mighty strikes [16 & 26 damage].  As Silavan tried to break free from Hayley's grip to cast spells Rubinifa stabbed again [17 damage].  Silavan finally fell and we were graced with divine favor for removing such a powerful minion of the dark gods of Chaos.

Kenny cast Otto’s Irresistible Dance on the pair but Hayley's mind was strong enough to resist.  Rubinifa meanwhile started to tap dance in circles unable to perform any other action.  Before Kenny could cast a second spell Haylay charged over and waylayed him in melee combat.

In the main room Zena, Madoc and Tayy were dealing with the other four.  Zena was acting as the punching bag, thanks to her ring of regeneration.  It was keeping her alive but by the end of the fight she was battered and bruised with a broke collar bone and crushed ankle.  Tayy would throw a bola taking down Dirk or one of the guards; Madoc would then stab [auto hit; double damage].  The priest became the most bloody of the party killing all four men.

Hayley managed to finish off Kenny but not before he had used a magical staff to destroy her breast plate.

Locking the doors we gathered up everything of value.  Tayy got Silavan's sword [+3 AP; +2 Dam; Destroy Magic] and Haylay was able to attune to his robes [+3 Toughness] to help on her journey to becoming a mistress of magic.  Unfortunately for Madoc the staff vaporized when he tried to attune to it.  There was also enough money to pay the bounty Silavan had offered.

Taking Silavan's head we walked up to Weilerberg to get the bounty Dagmar had offered leaving the De Bellen trading company building to burn down to cover up any evidence of our involvement in, what was clearly, a tragic accident.

Getting paid by Dagmar means all five of us got a cool 1000 crowns and it was time to go and find out what was for sale at the magic item shop.

Image Credits -  
art by rinrindaishi


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