WFRP Chapter 103: Endless Road

Summary: Bandits on the road.

Chapter 103 ~ Moving Further North.
Planning to keep ahead of Rothchild our party continued north.  Reaching Wurtbad Rubinifa was able to find a shop with a pistol in stock as he started collecting the new trappings for his role as a highwayman.  Tayy and the others chipped in to buy some power and shot; it seems keeping a working pistol is very expensive!

We we had fifteen people and a pair of carts the few outlaws we saw gave us a wide birth as we travelled north from Wurbad through Lieske and on towards Obelheim.  Here we had to camp out on the side of the Old Forest Road.

We were disturbed in the night when a man and his dwarven companion tried to steal our horse and cart!  It seemed they were running from a gang of outlaws who decided to attack us just as we stopped the first set of thieves getting away with the cart.

Armed with his human bane sword Rubinifa quickly cut through most of the minions while Xena just managed to take out the leader but took several harsh blows in the process.  Tayy, Hayley and Master Dwarf helped clear out the last few ruffians. While Gwyn stayed with the Waltons, the other family that were travelling with us, to make sure they were safe from any stragglers who might try and pillage them.

After the battle Hayley interrogated the man who had been cowering in our cart.  He introduced himself as Dr Fleming.  The tale he told was of having been forced to work for an outlaw gang and was trying to flee to get a better life.  Tayy asked if he wanted a job as chief physician to the Countess of Ryazan.  A job offer he gratefully accepted.  He showed off his skills by bandaging up Xena.  Master Dwarf introduced himself as Rangrim and said he had rescued the doctor before he was hung in a local town and then they were chased by the bandits after having got out of the city.  Our motley band of travellers continues to grow.

Image Credits -
Art from wildweasel339.


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