WFRP Chapter 104 Happy Ending

Summary: At last Ryazan.

Chapter 104 ~ More wilderness travel.
Leaving Obelheim we travelled north toward Uckrofurt.  Rubinifer continued on with the Walton family when we had to fix a loose wheel.  Hurring to catch up with them a group of Ogres and Goblins came out of the trees in an ambush.

Hayley's mount was so startled at the fearsome sight of the Ogres it turned and bolted in Terror in the other direction.  Zena and Rangrim fled with her as well.  Thinking she much have a cunning plan Tayy and Gwyn abandoned the cart and followed after.

By the time Hayley had got control of her mount the Goblins had taken our cart, loaded it up with their human prisoners and headed out of sight.  Easy come easy go it was not as if we had paid for the horse.

Finding a possible camp sight we saw strange Dwarven runes carved into trees and a nearby cottage.  There was no answer when we knocked on the door. Fearful of witches we decided to walk through the night and stumbled into Uckrofurt exhausted.  We slept the day away, and most of the night.  Getting up early to leave for the long walk to Talabheim.  

Hear we met up with Rubinifa who was upset about the lost cart.  Finding passage available on a boar leaving the next day that would take us all the way to Ryazan we just had to get through one night in the busy metropolis.

Getting rooms at a reasonable inn we sat in the bar drinking a few pints listening to the news.  There was a lot of talk about the trouble in Nuln.  A witch hunter had been driving out most folk that did not follow Sigmar.  Of other religions only a few priestesses of Shallya, Goddess of Healing, were left in the city.  We knew they were actually the front of the Slannesh cult and were glad to be heading away from them.  The other news was Rothchild had put a 50 crown bounty on Rubinifer.

Looking around the bar Hayley and Tayy recognised one of her uncles men watching them.  Thinking fast Hayley went over and talked to him.  He offered to forget having seen us for a handful of coins.  Taking out some gold Hayley pretented to offer him the cash but grabbed his hand as he went to take it.  The fangs from venom gloves sunk into his skin and he dropped dead in a few seconds.

Making out he was drunk we took him upstairs and put him "to bed" in his own room.  Taking his money and sword as well as the poison arrows he carried.  He was left face down on his bed with spilled beer making it look like he had died in his sleep.

The following morning we wandered around the shops but there was nothing either interesting, or that we could affort at the magic shop.  After that we spend a couple of days of leisurely travel down the river.  Finally arriving at our destination - Ryazan.

The journey was over and now a new adventure begins...

Image Credits -
Art from redro.


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