Stormwreck Isle Chapter 1: Caverns of the Mushroom Men!
Chapter 1: Caverns of the Mushroom Men! The party Andakyla, Wandering Dragonborn Monk Kali, the criminally inclined, Bard fleeing his past Nikolstratos ex-gladiator Warrior looking to free other slaves Petri, a haunted wood elf with a genie's lamp Rejk the half-orc smith who pours his rage into the forge They each had their own reasons for joining but all of the party had signed on as passengers on the White Rose, a ship that was doing a supply run to a number of small islands between the Grand Dutchy of Karameikos and the Five Shires. A week into the journey the vessel was attacked by a Kraken! Four of our heroes got into a jolly boat but Kali jumped overboard and clung to a barrel. The rest just managed to save him before he was pulled down with the craft. Rejk and Niko were able to row the boat to the nearby island of Dragon's rest. Arriving on the beach they had to battle the animated remains of three drowned sailors before they could climb the cliff t...