Courtney Ashtree, Spear Maiden - Paladin

Character Build: Courtney Ashtree, Spear Maiden.

This is a build guide for a new player starting out with Dungeons and Dragons. It explains the different powers the character gets as they level up in the game and gives some basis strategy for options.

Character Progression

Level 1 Paladin - Oath of Devotion.
Race: Human (Either "Variant Human" or "Custom Linage" in the actual game)
Starting Feat: "Polearm Master". Despite the name this gives us an extra attack, as a BONUS action, when using a glaive, halberd, quarterstaff, or spear. We are using it make a shield and spear combat build.
Background: Solider. We are a Warrior Nun trained in a holy order.
Skills: Athletics, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, Persuasion.
Athletics allows climbing and grapple if needed; or to resist being grappled. Insight is a useful social skill to know when someone is lying and supports our Intimidation and Persuasion. Which are commonly used skill based on Charisma for social interactions. Perception is the most used skill in the game and important to every character.
Lay on Hands: This gives 5 hit points (HP) of healing for every character level. It can also remove poison and diseases. You can heal yourself or others as an action.
Divine Sense: We can detect Celestials, Fiends, and Undead within 60' 4 times per day.

Oath of Devotion
The Oath of Devotion binds a paladin to the loftiest ideals of justice, virtue, and order. They hold themselves to the highest standards of conduct, and some, for better or worse, hold the rest of the world to the same standards. Though the exact words and strictures of the Oath of Devotion vary, paladins of this oath share these tenets.

Tenets of Devotion
  • Honesty. Don't lie or cheat. Let your word be your promise.
  • Courage. Never fear to act, though caution is wise.
  • Compassion. Aid others, protect the weak, and punish those who threaten them. Show mercy to your foes, but temper it with wisdom.
  • Honor. Treat others with fairness, and let your honorable deeds be an example to them. Do as much good as possible while causing the least amount of harm.
  • Duty. Be responsible for your actions and their consequences, protect those entrusted to your care, and obey those who have just authority over you.

Level 2 Paladin
Fighting Style – Duelling: Which will add a +2 bonus to all damage rolls with our Spear.
Spellcasting: We gain 2 spell slots. These can be used to cast spells or expended to deal extra damage with our weapon as Divine Smite.
Divine Smite: A damage boost turn spell slots into +2d8 Radiant Damage. Damage increase with each level of the spell slot. Unless you desperately need to kill a target save Divine Smite for critical hits which will do double damage.

Level 3 Paladin
Divine Health: You are immune to Disease.
Channel Divinity: You get two options "Sacred Weapon" and "Turn the Unholy". You will usually want the former but turning is an option especially if you have found a magical weapon. This power refreshes on a SHORT REST. Meaning you will likely be able to use it 2-3 times a day.
  • Sacred Weapon: Makes your Spear magical and adds +3 to hit for one combat.
  • Turn the Unholy: Turn Undead and fiends. Make them run away from you.

Level 4 Paladin
Feat – Resilient (Con): This gives +1 Constitution, taking CON to 16. We get an extra HP every level and an improvement to CON saving throws, including concentration for spells!

Level 5 Paladin
Extra Attack: Doubles the effectiveness of your Attack action. We get two thrusts with our Spear rather than one. We still have the bonus hit with the butt of the spear and the opportunity attack when an enemy approaches.
Spellcasting: 2nd Level Spells are added to our casting ability.

Level 6 Paladin
Aura of Protection: This ability is a party wide buff. You and all allies within a 10' aura gain +3 bonus to all saving throws! Just awesome.

Level 7 Paladin
Aura of Devotion: You and all allies within 10' aura are immunity to charm effects. Vampires cannot charm you and the party Wizard can unleash area effect charm spells without them effecting you.

Level 8 Paladin
Ability Score Increase: Here you have a choice either +2 Charisma or +2 Strength. Strength increase attack and damage; Charisma increase the saving throw bonus of your aura, and boosts your spells.

Level 9 Paladin
Spellcasting: 3rd Level Spells are added to our casting ability.

Level 10 Paladin
Aura of Courage: You and all allies in our 10' aura gain immunity to being frightened.

Level 11 Paladin
Improved Divine Smite: This adds +1d8 radiant damage to all melee attacks. Current Damage for our main attack is 1d6+6 adding +1d8 is a 50% increase to damage.

Spell Casting

As a Level Two character you gain 1st Level Spells; at Level Five you gain 2nd Level Spells and at character level Nine you gain 3rd Level Spells. Game terms can be a little bit confusing with Character Level and Spell Level!

Most of your spells require an ACTION or BONUS action to cast.  They usually last for up to one minute as long as you concentrate on the spell.  When ever you take damage you have to make a saving throw to maintain concentration otherwise the spell ends.  Since you can only concentrate on one spell at a time this means you can only have one of these spells in effect at once.

You have a Holy Symbol as an emblem on your shield.  This lets you cast spells that have material and somatic components while holding your shield.  A couple of your spells require an empty hand.  To cast these you will have to drop or sheath your spear.

Spells Prepared
1st Level: Bless, Command, Protection from Evil and Good, Shield of Faith, Wrathful Smite.
2nd Level: Aid, Find Steed, Lesser Restoration.
3rd Level: Aura of Vitality, Crusader’s Mantle, Dispel Magic, Revivify.
Other spells: You can get Magic Weapon, Remove Curse and Create Food and Water.  You are unlikely to need them but can be options depending on what happens in the game.

Bless: [Action; Concentration (1 minute)]. You and two allies get +1d4 to attack rolls and saving throws. Cast on the first round of combat. Using a higher level slot adds one more ally.
Command: [Action; Instant]. Target must obey your one word command (Wisdom save) on its next Turn. "Flee" or "Grovel" are the best options.
Protection from Evil and Good: [Action; Concentration (10 minute)]. Undead, Elementals and Demons have disadvantage on attack rolls against you. You can not be charmed, frightened, or possessed by them.
Shield of Faith: [Bonus; Concentration (1 minute)]. You or an Ally gets a +2 bonus to AC for the duration.
Wrathful Smite: [Bonus; Concentration (1 minute)]. Your next hit deals +1d6 psychic damage. Target is frightened of you (Wisdom Save)

Aid: [Action; duration 8 hours]. Three targets gain +5 HP which also increase their max HP. Great at the start of the day and also to get allies who of dying back on their feet.
Find Steed: [Cast 10 minutes; duration until killed]. Summons a Celestial Warhorse as your buddy. AC 11; HP 19. You can communicate with each other telepathically.  Offers some mobility when outdoors.
Lesser Restoration: [Action; Instant] Cure nasty effects [blinded, deafened, paralyzed, or poisoned] if an ally is inflicted by them. Cannot cast while holding your spear!

Aura of Vitality: Technically Action; Concentration (1 minute). However you want to cast out of combat for 20d6 Healing as Concentration may mean you otherwise get interrupted.
Crusader’s Mantle: [Action; Concentration (1 minute)]. You and allies deal +1d4 radiant damage with weapon attacks.
Dispel Magic: [Action; Instant]. Ends spells affecting an ally. Cannot cast while holding your spear!
Revivify: [Action; Instant; 300 gold diamond]. Magical CPR that brings an ally back from the dead. Nuff said.


Tier 1 Strategy (Levels 1-4)
In combat, we want to be attacking with our Spear. This gives us two attacks with +6 to hit. Whenever an enemy enters our reach take the free opportunity attack. Save Lay on Hands for between combat healing unless an ally has gone down, in which case heal them. As we get spells Bless becomes the best option for the first round when it looks like a big combat. Sacred Weapon is not a spell so we can use it in the same combat as using a spell. However it is an action so is best used with a bonus action spell in the first round to give two buffs running for the battle.

Tier 2 Strategy (Levels 5-8)
We get an extra attack with our spear giving three attacks each round at +7 to hit. Bless and Sacred Weapon continue to be our best options at the start of a battle. Most days we can use our 2nd Level Spell slots for Divine Smite. Lay on Hands has merit for in combat healing; it may be worth using one action to give yourself 20-30 extra HP.

End Game Strategy (Levels 9-11)
Proficiency improves again giving us three attacks at +8 to hit, +9 if we increased our Strength. 3rd Level spells give additional options but mostly we are working on the same principle as before, inflicting as much damage with our spear as possible. Try and save one of your spell slots for Revivify unless it is a hit on the boss monster and you are going all out to kill them this turn.

Artwork from Deviant Art. Artists cj-backmanblazbarosstaino and jun-oh.


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