WFRP Chapter 108: Imperial Decree

Summary: Forming a blood bowl team.

Chapter 108 ~ Skaven, Elves and Priests of Sigmar.
Once again Enzo Ferrari came to the Sheriff's office to report news of a giant rat killing orcs in the forest!  This time Luke and Gwyn went out to investigate.  They managed to track down a Skaven Grey Seer called Skrotch and rather than fighting talked with hm.  They convinced him to let them join him on the hunt.  When they came across Chad Kroger and his orc band Luke let Skrotch know these orcs were their friends and somehow convinced him not to kill them!  Some amazing diplomacy from Luke.

The next day another boat full of Priests of Sigmar arrived.  They were looking for Magnus Wolfclaw (good job we did not mark his grave).  They also delivered the latest imperial degree that banned most none-humans and other religions from the Empire.

Luke tried to convince them to go and hunt the Skaven but, as he was not a follower of Sigmar, they were not interested.  While this discussion was happening the two elven visitors came downstairs and finally saw Fenster, one of the two wizard they had been hunting.  They started threatening him and demanding the return of their talisman.

This upset the xenophobia priests who also drew their weapons.  Tayy took the lead and we all fled the bar as the battle broke out.  Gwyn stood by the main door and sent the Wizard one way and then the Elves, who came out a few moments later, in the other direction.

The rest of us went inside and looted the bodies.  Turned out to be the easiest 75 crowns we had ever earnt.  Zena once again proved her curse of never being able to hold a magic weapon by destroying yet another one when she touched it.  Taking the bodies outback we threw them in a cart covered by a tarpaulin.  That night we went and dropped them in the foundations of the Dragon club.  No one was going to find them again.

Tayy came up with a cunning plan.  He placed the imperial degree on the town notice board and put a second one up next to it.  This one invited residents to come and sign up for the newly formed Ryazan Rats, a blood bowl team!  He then went around getting people such as Beth to sign up.  While this may seem like a good idea, to our heroes others may find it important to remember that the Emperor's decree is in place for the safety and well-being of all citizens. The priests, if still alive, would say we must all abide by it for the greater good of the Empire.

As the temple he also met Verona Whitethorn, another Halfling Cook.  They agreed to have a picnic since she needed to stay near the temple to meet her friend.  Having spent the afternoon cooking Tayy returned and ended up having a picnic with Verona and Skrotch Keenspine the Grey Seer.  Skrotch was quite fond of the vanilla cupcakes.  It is heart warming to see that even amidst all the chaos and turmoil, there are still moments of peace and joy to be found.

Another boat arrived with more people fleeing the empire.  Among them was Brooklyn Decker, a cleric of Verana, seeing the sign she said it seemed she would have to go even further north.  Luke pointed out the other sign and said she could sign up to be the team referee.  That way she could carry on worshipping her god of justice.

Image Credits -
Art from farmerownia.


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