WFRP Chapter 105 City of Ryazan

Summary: Making our home in a deserted city.

Chapter 105 ~ An empty city.
Having around at Ryazan we found a manor house for the countess and several cottages for her retinue.  We left Hayley and Zena arguing about who should have the manor house and the rest of us went into the town to look around.

The place was mostly deserted.  We saw a few peasants moving around but there only seemed to be too shops open.  These were the General Store and Ferrari Forestry.  We installed Dr Fleming into one empty house and the Walton family into the large inn where they set about restarting their business.  Going into the Sherriff's office Tayy found a pair of badges for the Sherriff and his deputy.  In the name of the Countess he appointed Gwyn and Rangrim to the positions.

Talking to Ben at the General Store he told us the old count had not been keen on modernisation and improving trade and most people had moved away looking for work elsewhere.  He got a weekly delivery of goods, mostly food, which is sold to the few locals left.  Talking at the forestry office it seemed most of these works there bringing in good hard wood timer.  Mr Ferrari told us about the Creeping Death Goblin tribe that lived in the forest.  They had an uneasy alliance and left the loggers along.  At least the Goblins kept outlaws out of the forest.

The next day looking for opportunities to expand we were sitting in the inn discussing getting the Dragon club to come and open up when Inarra, owner of said club, walking in the door!  She was looking for Rubinifa.  We explained he was now going by the name of Luke (best way to above people hunting him).  She told us that Kreutzhofen had fallen to the influence of chaos (which we new as it was the reason we fled) and was looking for another, safer, location for her club.  She gave Luke a bag of 100 crowns saying it should take about 60 to build an establishment to her requirements.

That evening a harsh storm was blowing.  This resulted in several boats came to the dock with many of the sailors and traders coming to the inn looking for shelter.  It turned into a profitable first day for Mr Walton with him getting guests to all the rooms he had only just reopened.

Among the guests were four traders from the Hoffbauer trading company.  Luke accidently mentioned Tayy's name to them when they asked about opening up offices in the area.  Given this was the chaos tainted group we did not want anywhere near us he quickly realised the only option was to kill these traders.

Fate was on his side as a few minutes after two of them went upstairs we heard screams.  Running up the stairs both traders, and other sailor, were dead.  Two of them looked to have been torn apart by a witch bolt and the last one stabbed many times.  Sherriff Gwyn investigated the bodies, mostly just removing the gold they had before gathering everyone downstairs Sherriff Gwyn tried to work out what was going on.  All that ended up happening though was people accusing each other until one man ran away into the woods being chased by the two Elven visitors.

During the commotion Luke and Tayy helped the two remaining Hoffbauer traders to leave the building offering to take them to get assistance from the countess.  Back at the manor Tayy dug a couple of shallow graves while Luke's blade explained to the traders their one and only option.

The good news was we now had our own boat.  It only needed a little bit of work to remove the logo off the side and put the Ryazan crest in its place.  They we could head down river and see who we could hire to start improving the town.

Image Credits -
Art from allrichart.


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