Introducing - 2023 Mega Dungeon

Introducing - 2023 Mega Dungeon 

12 levels. 365 rooms.

What is this project?  You may well ask.  Sean McCoy posted this as an idea on Twitter.  Create a Mega dungeon for 2023 with 12 levels (one per month) and 365 rooms. One room a day and keep it all in a journal.

My journal is this blog.  I shall post a set of rooms once a week and build up my Mega Dungeon over the course of the year.

I have already come up with a basic concept to get started.

Level 1 will be a White Dragon Wyrmling and his kobolds minions living in caves around a volcanic vent on an island.  These caves will carry on for a couple of levels deeper and then the players will find a portal, or gate, taking them to the bottom of a second complex.  They can work there way back up to the ruined city on the surface through levels 4-7.  Then I will have a third complex to take them back down into the depths of the earth.  Finally having some sort of appropriate boss monster with level 12 being on another plane.  Accessed through a second portal or maybe a new set of coordinates for the first portal ala Stargate.

Image Credits -
Art from molybdenumgp03, asur-misoa and deligaris.


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