WFRP Chapter 106: Witch hunters of Sigmar

Summary: Witch Hunters visit the city.

Chapter 106 ~ The Return of Magnus Wolfclaw.
The latest news from the Empire was that witch hunters had found chaos taint in several temples around Nuln, particularly those of Shallya and Manann.  It seemed Maddoc, whom we had abandoned, may have finally been rescued from his fate.  Many in the Empire were focusing on Sigmar as the one true god and shunning worship of all other deities.  

As we worked on building the towns infrastructure Hayley sent several letters to our allies, and acquaintances, offering them safe haven in Ryazan should they want to travel hear.  She invited the Wizard Tokamak from Hurlack, Dagmar the Outlaw and Maruge's orc tribe.

A couple of days later our old friend Magnus Wolfclaw and his troop of Witch Hunters arrived.  They talked with the Countess and wanted to ensure Ryazan was a stronghold for Sigmar worship.  We convinced him that was the case and offered to open a temple.  Magnus was delighted saying he would have a priest sent from Altdorf.  Before leaving he wanted to have a tour of our poor town to look for an appropriate location for such a building.

As we conducted the tour Magnus saw a priestess of Shallya, fleeing persecution elsewhere, who had arrived on one of the trading boats.  It seemed the long years of fighting chaos had driven Magnus quite mad as he started demanding her death. When Hayley would not cut her down in the street his two lieutenants loaded their crossbows and started to shoot at the poor woman!

Tayy tried desperately to stop the fight escalating but Hayley and Zena were not going to stand by and let an innocent women be killed.  They attacked Magnus and the other Witch Hunters.  A short brutal battle ensured.  It turned out the Priestess had divine power as she was able to heal both the ladies to keep them fighting.  Hayley managed a couple of critical hits on Magnus to cut him down while Zena defeated a couple of the Witch Hunters.  Tayy disarmed the man that charged at him and then ran away but did return to help his friends.  Using his bolas he entangle two of the opponents before charging forward and butchering them before they were able to free themselves.

The priestess introduced herself as Beth and accepted Hayley's offer to stay in Ryazan.  We used the cash Magnus had to start building a temple which would be constructed within a month and gave Beth one of the empty cottages near the manor house to live in.  She was also able to use her powers to heal Zena's mind of her insanity.

The next day we travelled up river to introduce the new Countess to the other local lords.  Lord Gerdouen was an avid worshiper of Sigmar and also did not want development in the area.  It sounded like he may be a problem for us going forward.

Grachyov Lavr Danilovich, lord of Rakhov was much more accommodating and friendly.  He wanted to buy some of the land in the forest Hayley owned.  We also found a man called Dimitri who may take the job as harbour master as we needed to start getting the towns income going again.  There was also talk of Vladislav the Ice Wizard.  Grachyov told us where to find him.  When we arrived he was having a discussion with another sorcerer who we recognised as one of the people in the inn when the murders happened last week.  He was very upset about the death of his friend and said he would not come to Ryazan until this matter had been resolved.

Image Credits -
Art from mynameisbyron.


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