WFRP Chapter 99: Get the Party Started

Summary: Spiritual Restoration (what could go wrong...).

Chapter 99 ~ Party with a Priestess
Our barge limped its way into Heisenberg.  Captain Jamerson said we would have to hold up hear for a couple of days while repairs were carried out; turns out we had sprung a leak after the Goblin attack.  Fortunately the rest of our friends had arrived the day before.  All that back and we had done resulted in them getting ahead of us even though they had left later!

Filling them in on the troubles with Hayley's uncle Zena and Rubinafa went off to scout the area and make sure they were not nearly.  The rest of us, including Sarah, checked into the inn needing time to recover from the serious wounds taken in the previous battle.  Tayy had to use almost all that remained of the companies funds to pay for two nights.

Tayy half carried and half dragged Maddoc down to the Apothacary.  She could not heal wounds but did have potions for sale.  They were more expensive than Maddoc could afford but as we chatted we found she was a friend of Adam Peaty.  Tayy told her of his demise and how Maddoc had tried to save him (well that is the story Tayy told).  The sweet words of the silver tongued halfling persuaded Alanis to let us have a potion on credit convinced we would return with the rest of the funds soon.  She had also not heard anything more about her missing friend and we assured her neither had we.

With Maddoc back on his feet we returned to the inn where he was able to tend to the Countess and Solider-boy aiding their own recovery.  Thinking of options for how to make money Tayy decided we should fall back on the one way he had of making money - gambling!  What could go wrong?  Last time he had been at the gaming tables he had only lost the family business and gone bankrupt...

Getting into a conversation with Burt, Wade and some other travellers in the noisy tavern Tayy started up a game of cards.  Maddoc only had two crowns left and got lucky winning his second hand; he then carried on with beginners luck winning another three rounds!  Tayy also managed to win a couple and by the end of the evening the pair had just manged to win enough.  In a rare moment of altruism Tayy gave all his profits to Maddoc so they Alanis could be paid off in the morning.

During the game Wade had been talking about the special event at the temple of Shallya the next night. He talked about how the spiritual rejuvenation had left him with a buzz for days and he had come back with his friends for them all to enjoy the experience.  On the following morning Idelle, the barmaid, was also talking about the event and encouraging Maddoc to attend.

Alanis was surprised to see us return so quickly.  During todays conversation she mentioned she also traded in exotic items and had an amulet of coal for sale.  That was out of our price range but it prompted Maddoc to sell his magical vestments and invest in some healing potions.  It also gave him enough cash to pay off his debts to the rest of the company.

Tayy spent the morning down at the docks talking to a dozen mercaries looking for work before finding one he though could be trusted.  The contract was simple protect Tayy and her grace, The Countess of Ryazan on the long journey to her estates by the forest of shadows.  The mans name was Gwyn and he agreed to the contract.  Tayy said to meet at the inn the following morning and they would agree payment.

Returning to the inn in the afternoon Tayy convinced Maddoc that more gambling was the thing to do to pass the time until his temple visit! Together they started a game with a few tipsy patrons.  This time luck was not with the failed priest.  Tayy, on the other hand, won more than half the hands of cards and happily pocketed twenty crowns profit.  He figured that would be enough to pay Gwyn for a few weeks work.

Once the sun had set Maddoc, Tayy and Sarah headed out to the Temple of Shallya, the Goddess of Healing.  Maddoc left most of his equipment with Tayy and went in to experience the pleasures of the event.  The other two stayed outside observing who else arrived and catching the occasional glimpse of the orgy going on inside.  They spotted the barman Silver as well as the barmaids as well as Wade and his out of town friends and some other locals they had seen around town.

A few hours later people started to leave.  They observed all the locals including Silver and Idelle depart.  After another hour the priestesses started to close the building up.  Tayy approached and asked about his friend.  They assured him Maddoc must have left but asked if he wanted to come inside?  He quickly declined saying his friend must be back at town and hurried off with Sarah back towards the safety of civilisation.

As they walked home Tayy and Sarah talked about what they had observed.  Sarah said the orgy had looked far more like a ritual of Slaanesh than Shallya the goddess of healing.  This prompted the halfing to wonder what this former assassin had been through.  They surmised poor Maddoc, Wade, and the others that had not returned must have been mystically brainwashed by the cultists and turning into mindless sex slaves of the cult.  Possibly a better end for Maddoc than being stabbed by Dagmar but a blow for the Countess to lose her only healer.

Back at the inn Silver and Idelle both seemed find and very happy from their experience.  It looked like the cult were only picking off outsiders that would not easily be missed.  After an uneasy nights sleep Tayy met up with Gwyn again.  As he had Maddoc's equipment he offered the mercenary a choice.  Tayy could either sell the magical shield and pay him a years salary or Gwyn could keep the shield as payment for protecting the halfing and Hayley over the next few months.  The mercenary happily took possession of the shield.  Tayy returned to once to see Alanis the apothecary where he sold the staff for some much needed funds that would mean he could keep everyone fed and housed as we continued our travels.

Image Credits -
Art from manfromabora.


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