Strahd Chapter 3: Village of Barovia

Chapter 3: Village of Barovia


  • Malrosh, Tiefling sorcerer
  • Courtney Ashtree, Spear Maiden Human Paladin
  • Redvus Dundonald, Gnome Cleric seeking enlightenment
  • Aslok, Dwarven Paladin who hates necromancers

After spending the evening sleeping in the old house we woke up to find the place had decayed around us.  Now we stood in an old property with everything around us tarnished and worn.  Heading out into the town we went to find the Burgomaster.

First we entered the general store that was run by Bildrath.  He told us the new Burgomaster was in the tavern.  Asking him some more questions we found out the old Burgomaster Kolyan Indirovich who had written us a letter had died two days before we arrived.

In the Blood of the Vine tavern we found a man named Ismark Kolyanovich.  Courtney talked to him and we discovered he was having problems getting the local priest to bury his father.  Showing him the letter he said it was not written by his father.  We offered to help him and went to talk to the priest.

Opening the doors to the chapel we found it strewn with debris. We could hear a soft voice of Donavich, the priest, reciting a prayer.  Suddenly, the prayer is blotted out by a scream that rises up from one of the side chambers.  Torn between the priest and the screams we moved forward and talked to Donavich.  He implored us to leave but after some discussion we found out that his son Doru has returned from the castle on the hill in a changed form.

Aslok took the lead and descended into the cellar.  Redvus deduced the man chained up here was not still living as he lunged forward and attacked with claws and teeth!  Aslok called upon divine smite and quickly obliterated the abomination in front of us!

With his son finally at rest removed Donavich aggreged to bury Kolvan the next day.  Ismark took us back to his house to spend the night.  Here we met his sister Ireena and learned that the local lord Count Strahd von Zarovich was looking to marry her.  As first we thought this was a good thing but then Ismark explained about the problems in Barovia and how the Count was a vampire.  Ismark hired us to help escort Ireena to Vallaki, a settlement in the heart of the valley, beyond the view of Castle Ravenloft which he believes is beyond the reach of Strahd.

The next day we bury the body of Kolvan and keep watch during the night, seeing some strange lights going up to the castle before setting off towards Vallaki the next morning.

Image Credits: art from ladyofdragons on deviantart


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