DND House Rules

House Rules for Dungeons and Dragons

There are a lot of source books and some optional rules for Fifth Edition Dungeon and Dragons.  This is how I plan to run the game.  References are Players Handbook (PHB), Elemental Evil Player's Guide (EEPG), Xanthar's (XGE) and Tasha's (TGX) guide to Everything.  Characters will be tracked using DND Beyond. You can create an account for free.

Character Creation and Levelling

  • Generate Ability Scores: Use 4d6 drop lowest and roll two characters.  If both are hopeless use the standard array (15,14,13,12,10,8) otherwise pick one.  Use "/r randchar" on discord channel.
  • Races: Any from the PHB, Genasi (EECP) and Custom Linage allowed.  Others may fit depending on the campaign.
  • Class: Any of the Twelve classes from the PHB listed on page 45 or Artificer.
  • Subclass: Any subclass from PHB, XGE, TGX excluding Hexblade and Peace Domain.
  • Customization Options: Multiclassing and Feats will both be used. 
  • Hit Points: Everyone will get max HP at each level.
  • Free Feat:  At Level 1 everyone can pick a free feat from the list below.
  • Ability Score Improvement feature:  At Level 4 and 8 all characters get a Feat and Ability score improvement rather than having to pick only one.  This is only at these two levels not the additional ASI Features that Rogues and Fighters get.
  • Advancement:  Will use Milestone Levelling.

Rules Changes and Clarifications

  • Characters can drink potions as a bonus action
  • New Exhaustion Rules (see below)
  • Two Weapon Fighting (page 195) the off-hand attack can be done as part of the Attack Action rather than as a Bonus Action.
  • To perform the Aid Action you must be proficient in the skill or task attempted.
  • Multiclassing rules only let you cast spells with Warlock Spell Slots not use other powers such as Smite or Sorcery points.
  • Many spells, such as Mage Armour and Aid, have a duration of 8 hours.  These will be extended to last until the end of your next Long Rest

Spell Changes

  • Booming Blade and Green Flame Blade are Banned.
  • Magic Jar - You keep your own mental attributes and gain the physical attributes not features of the target.  For example you do not get to add your HP on top of the creatures.
  • Illusions - Are poorly defined in the rules.  If you want to make a lot of use of these we need a discussion to agree what is allowed so you are not disappointed.

Resting and Healing

As a group the party can take two short rests between each long rest.  Shorts rests will not be a fixed amount of time but long enough for the characters to safely stop, relax, and eat food.  Meaning it is easier to short rest in a town than when lost in the wilderness.  You cannot take two short rests back to back.  At the end of a Long Rest all extended duration spells, such as Mage Armour, end and then you regain all Spell Slots.  These can be immediately expended to reapply the effect if wanted.


This Condition is cumulative. Each time you receive it, you gain 1 level of exhaustion. You die if your exhaustion level reaches 7.  When you make a d20 Test, you subtract your exhaustion level from the d20 roll and from the Spell save DC of any Spell you cast. Finishing a Long Rest removes 1 level of exhaustion. When your exhaustion level reaches zero you are no longer Exhausted. 

Gaining Exhaustion 
  • When you are reduced to zero hit points you gain a level of Exhaustion. 
  • Exposure to environmental effects and lack of sleep can also cause Exhaustion.

Level 1 Available Feats

Any of the following can be taken as a free first level feat. 
  • Actor 
  • Athlete 
  • Chef 
  • Dragon Hide 
  • Eldritch Adept 
  • Healer 
  • Heavy Armour Master 
  • Inspiring Leader 
  • Magic Initiate 
  • Medium Armour Master 
  • Mobile 
  • Moderately Armoured 
  • Observant 
  • Second Chance 
  • Skill Expert 
  • Squat Nimbleness 
  • Tough 
  • Weapon Master 
  • Wood Elf Magic.

Magic Items

Magic items will be used but they cannot be automatically identified during a short rest.  As well as those found adventuring a small selection of items will be available for purchase.  No items giving flight or teleportation will be found.  All magic weapons are rare.  If you want a particular item for your character ask and I will see if it can be added in.

Image Credits
Playing D&D I found on Reddit by: chanley012


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