Uppsala Legion - Take Two

Red Orc is still working on ideas for changing his Ultramarines into Space Wolves. We are relaunching the Ultras as the Uppsala Legion, from the planet Schveeden!  While reading MVBrants Reliability vs. Min/Max I noticed that will little more than adding a Grey Hunter squad each time the tournament list scaled quite well from 1500 to 2000 points.  While it lacks Assault Marines it suits Red Orc's style of just being marines in APC's.

Space Wolves @1500 points
Njal Stormcaller - 245
5 x Wolf Guard w/ 4 Combi-Melta, 5 Fists - 210
5 x Wolf Scouts w/ Meltagun - 85
8 x Grey Hunters w/ Meltagun, Wolf Standard, Rhino - 170
8 x Grey Hunters w/ Meltagun, Wolf Standard, Rhino - 170
5 x Grey Hunters w/ Flamer, Plasmaback - 150
5 x Grey Hunters w/ Flamer, Plasmaback - 150
5 x Long Fangs w/ 4 Missiles - 115
5 x Long Fangs w/ 4 Missiles - 115
4 x Long Fangs w/ 3 Missiles - 90
13 Kill Points: 51 Marines, 4 Tanks
Now if you are not keen on the Standards you can replace them for other upgrades or replace them and one Combi-weapon for the extra Long Fang.  The Wolf Guard do not count as a kill point since they get to go and be squad leaders for the Grey Hunters and Scouts.  Finally if you do not like have a super-psyker has your leader you can replace him with a pair of cheaper HQ.
Space Wolves @1750 points
Njal Stormcaller - 245
5 x Wolf Guard w/  Combi-Melta,  Power Fist - 215
5 x Wolf Scouts w/ Meltagun - 85
5 x Wolf Scouts w/ Meltagun - 85
8 x Grey Hunters w/ Meltagun, Wolf Standard, Rhino - 170
8 x Grey Hunters w/ Meltagun, Wolf Standard, Rhino - 170
8 x Grey Hunters w/ Meltagun, Rhino - 160
5 x Grey Hunters w/ Flamer, Plasmaback - 150
5 x Grey Hunters w/ Flamer, Plasmaback - 150
5 x Long Fangs w/ 4 Missiles - 115
5 x Long Fangs w/ 4 Missiles - 115
4 x Long Fangs w/ 3 Missiles - 90
16 Kill Points: 64 Marines, 5 Tanks

Space Wolves @2000 points
Njal Stormcaller - 245
6 x Wolf Guard w/ Combi-Melta, Power Fist - 258
5 x Wolf Scouts w/ Meltagun - 85
5 x Wolf Scouts w/ Meltagun - 85
8 x Grey Hunters w/ Meltagun, Wolf Standard, Rhino - 170
8 x Grey Hunters w/ Meltagun, Wolf Standard, Rhino - 170
8 x Grey Hunters w/ Meltagun, Wolf Standard, Rhino - 170
8 x Grey Hunters w/ Meltagun, Wolf Standard, Rhino - 170
5 x Grey Hunters w/ Flamer, Plasmaback - 150
5 x Grey Hunters w/ Flamer, Plasmaback - 150
5 x Long Fangs w/ 4 Missiles - 115
5 x Long Fangs w/ 4 Missiles - 115
5 x Long Fangs w/ 4 Missiles - 115
18 Kill Points: 74 Marines, 6 Tanks
Personally I would be tempted to take a third Plasmaback and a couple of MM/HF Speeders rather than the fourth Grey Hunter squad (and Wolf Guard) in a Rhino.


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