Wrath of Khan
I have not played my Space Marines since the Tyranid codex came out. I had three lists I tended to use Bikers, Terminators and my "Wrath of Khan" list which was Grey Knights being lead by Kor'sarro Khan. Now I can hardly make any claims to it being a competitive list it suffers all the problems of any single land raider build; however strength 7, Initiative 5 Marines tended to chop through a lot of competition and being a troops choice could score the objective they had taken. The basis of my list was as follows
1500 Wrath of Khan
160 Kor'sarro Khan
275 Grey Knights x10
205 Tactical x10; Flamer,Missile, Rhino
190 Telion's Sniper Scouts x10
190 Sterngaurd x5; Rhino; 2 Lascannons
115 Dread w/ Plasma Cannon
115 Dread w/ Plasma Cannon
250 LRR w/ MM
26 Marines, 10 Scouts, 5 Vehicles - 10 Kill Points
1500 Grey Knights
190 Grand Master w/ Rad Grenades
283 Purifiers x10 w/ 9 Halberds, Hammer, Psybolt Ammo
180 Strike Squad x5 in Plasmaback
140 Strike Squad x5 in Rhino
182 Purifiers x5 w/ 2 Psycannons, Halberd, Rhino
135 Dread w/ TL-Auto x2, Psybolt Ammo
135 Dread w/ TL-Auto x2, Psybolt Ammo
255 LRR w/ MM
26 Marines, 6 Vehicles - 11 Kill Points
I am not sure on the lone Plasmaback? Maybe I should use the extra points for some Psycannons on the Strike Squads? The second Purifier squad has only a single Halberd just because there was nothing else to do with two points! At hight point levels I would bump them up to ten strong and buy an APC, for the Purifiers in the Raider, so that I could combat squad the unit and have them all mobile.
I like the 40k background but have never been one for building my army based upon it. To me marines were always Space Knights and tactical marines never really lived up to the ideal I wanted. Grey Knights on the other hand, running around with assault weapons and vorpal swords, really do capture my imagination as Space Knights.
Of course I still need time to finish off my Tyranids so none of this is going to happen before the summer and probably not until much later this year once my training is out the way and I have a job again.
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