Phandelver Episode 3

Campaign Log: Lost Mine of Phandelver
Our Heroes
Character Description
Myandir Silveroak An Elven Apprentice Wizard and Acolyte of Selune, Goddess of the Moon
Rance Raddish A folk hero Thief armed with a pair of Short Sword
Bjorn 'Bearkiller' Katho-Olavi An 8' tall Goliath battle-master in chain mail. He fights with a great sword.
Raymondo Angigua Debonair and roguish storyteller who (thinks) he can talk his way out of any situation.
Nessa May Half-Elven Charlatan making her way through life using her wit and musical ability.

Chapter Three: Evil Wizard
We start Chapter Three in the north-east corner of the Redbrand hideout.  Hearing shouts and people crying we burst through the doors into the prison cells and surprise a pair of ruffians.  As the fighting starts the skeletal figures outside begin to animate and attack Myandir.  A simple shielding spell (on top of lots of armour) keeps him protected while the other assailants are quickly dispatched.  The party turn their attention to the Skeletons who quickly crumble under another round of blistering sword swings and cracking mystical energy.

In the cells are the family of the murdered blacksmith.  After some convincing they accept we are not part of the gang and we are able to escort them out of the hideout.  They knew nothing of the bandit leader but were able to tell us some Bugbears has arrived at the same time they were taken to the cells.

Having already found and blocked one secret door in the south we searched the northern corridor and found another secret door leading into a storeroom with a wide open cavern to the south.  Not liking the look of the open area the party began checking the room for other exits.  Myandir found the outline of a door but before anyone could open it he heard a voice talking in his head.

"Who are you? Have you brought be food?  Master brings me corpses. Shiny things as well.  Do you work for the Master?".  He tried to bluff the voice but it was not convinced.  Fortunately it was hungry and the offer of fresh corpses kept it talking as Bjorn fetched the bodies of the slain bandits.

The first body was throw to the edge of the crevasse where a clawed hand pulled it out of sight and loud munching sounds could be heard below.  Throwing the second body into the open area at the bottom Bjorn could clearly see the monstrous Nothic with its huge single eye come and and start eating.  While it was distracted he jumped down and skewered it with his sword.  A brief and blood fight followed with spells being cast from above while Bjorn hacked the monster to bits.  Searching the debris we found a magical sword, named Talon, and some coins.

With the monstrosity dead we return to the other secret door and proceeded down the stairs behind.  Finding another door Myandir worked out where the catch was to open it but heard a voice from the other side telling him to come on in as I can here you there scrabbling at my door.

Myandir walks through the door and is instantly paralyzed by the hold person spell of Glasstaff, the Evil Wizard, when his own Hypnotic Gaze fails to incapacitate the Wizard.  Glassstaff found himself quickly beset by the rest of the party and even his Shield spells were struggling to hold off a full assault. He focused on his familiar in the next room and fading like vapor materialized himself in the next room.  He stopped only briefly to shout to his guards to stop the intruders before running towards the crevasse.  Two of his guards followed him and the others went north to stop anyone following.

Myandir and Raymondo ran back up the stairs to the top of the crevasse while the others charged through the door and were waylaid by a group of drunken thugs.  Rance broke away and almost appended Glasstaff but a bolt of lighting from his fingers shocked the thief causing him to stagger backwards.

As Glasstaff reached the bridge a cricket landed on his nose.  A somewhat shocked expression crossed the mages face and then his eyelids fluttered and he slumped forward falling, to what should have been his doom, on the rocks below.  Raymondo had once more used his Sleeping spell to dramatic effect.

Rance charge forward and, copying Bjorn, jumped into the pit.  His sword pierced the wizards heart ensuring he would not escape justice.    An invocation from Myandir and a quick thrust from Raymondo dispatched the wizards bodyguards.  Raymondo carefully climbed down the cliff but still managed to slip and would have died if not for a healing word from Myandir.

Bjorn and Nessa were finally able to finish off the other thugs allowing the party settled down for a short rest to recuperate.  While they did the magical sword and staff melted out of existence.  All that remained now was to deal with the Bugbears who, through a process of elimination, must be in the south-west corner of the cellar. 

Image Credits
Evil Wizard by FoolishLittleMortal
map by TRWolfe13
Nothic by Archeriart


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