WFRP Chapter 77: The End

Background: Escaping from the city when things go wrong.

Our Heroes

  • Hayley (Elliot) - Human Mistress of Magic
  • Madoc (David) - Human Friar of Manann [Poseidon]
  • Flendac (Kris) - Human Master Assassin
  • Tayy Whitethorn (Michael) - Halfling Trainee Assassin 
  • Zena (Oliver) - Human Artillerist
  • Rubinifer (Rob) - Human Outlaw Chief

Chapter 77 ~ Day Three

Zena completed her training to become an Artillerist and with increased mental fortitude was able to attune to all the three rings she had acquired from Morgan.

An acolylte of Mann knocked on the door of our lodgings and asked us to come meet with Adam Peaty.  Once there Adam told us about the brutal murders at the Dogs Bark and that watch commander Tyson Fury, supported by Boris Becker, was looking for the culprits.  Apparently a halfing and friends were seen leaving the bar and a Becker had put up 500 crown reward!

He also introduced us to Madoc a friar from the far flung edge of the Empire who was traveling the waterways of his god.  Adam told us Madoc could help us in our battle against chaos.  We outlined what was happening and how Klopp and Becker seemed to be involved in a cult.  We were very clear in our description that Hans shot first in the bar not us.  For a small donation Madoc organized a dormitory for us to stay in so we could hide from the watch.

With Tayy in hiding the rest of the gang went back to Rickard's armory to see if there was anything to buy.  rubinifa wanted to get one of Tayy's old swords but at almost three times the value Tayy got for it it was out of his price range.  Flendac did get everyone to club together to buy Madoc magical leather armour.  When Madoc put it on he found it was even more potent than the blacksmith thought as it also increased his initiative.

The gang bumbled around town for a bit but having no motivation to continue with the quest of stopping tax law changes they returning to the dormitory and the nice meal Tayy had prepared.  There we stayed until we were able to flee the city amongst the large crowds who gathered for the festival.

Chapter 77 ~ Day Eight

With the festival in full swing the gang left, with our tail between our legs, and returned to Kreutshofen.  At Rubinifer's bidding we abandoned Andy and our plans for a fake assassination.

It is a funny old world.  We only came to Nuln to get Morgan trained because Faefiel would not give up her magical bow.  A month later they are both dead and the bow is for sale in Rickard's shop.  As a new mistress of magic Hayley wants training but does not have enough money to buy the bow.  Putting us right back where we started.  Perhaps we will come back at some point, after all there are some good shops, once Hayley has more gold.

Image Credits -  

Art from meganerid and Wizards end by Morgan's player David.


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