WFRP Chapter 79: Back to Basics

Background: Helping Dagmar since we were doing the task anyway!

Our Heroes

  • Hayley (Elliot) - Human Mistress of Magic
  • Flendac (Kris) - Human Master Assassin
  • Tayy Whitethorn (Michael) - Halfling Trainee Assassin 
  • Zena (Oliver) - Human Artillerist
  • Rubinifer (Rob) - Human Outlaw Chief

Chapter 79 ~ Back to Basics

We repainted the first of the two carts as Kreutshofen Mill and passed it, and the horse, over to Jim Miller to look after.  As the mill owner we can always borrow it when needed.  We made plans to load the other one up with food for the Orcs and take it back through the pass while we hunted for the Great Gobbo.  There is also a chance we could get a reward from the Lamar trading company for returning the other wagon.  Tayy also mentioned that Rickard had opened a local branch giving us somewhere to spend our gold on magical items.  Unfortunately we were all poor after our long trip away and were not able to make use of his opening sale.

While making our preparations Dagmar came looking for Morgan as she had a job.  Flendac explained he had died in Nuln but we were publicly telling people he was actually studying magic there.  Dagmar told us that Jow Felix, Tomas's cousin, had taken over the Lamar trading company.  He was being plagued by bandits who might be funded by the Dubellen trading company.  Rubinifa managed to bargin Dagmar up to 50 crowns for the task as there were five of us.

Our first stop was delivering food to Maruge.  We got her good will and a promise to train Hayley as an apprentice when we returned providing Hayley would sing a ballard for the orc shaman.

During the night Rubinifa saw an elf sneaking up on the camp.  He shouted a warning.  After a quick exchange he recognized the Elves as those from the artist colony before he started shooting them.  The possible slaughter of two friendly forced averted we found they were also hunting Gobbo the Great, or more precisely the Elven assassin who was with him.

Later in the night we saw a troop of twenty mercenaries hurrying through the pass.  Slightly confused we had breakfast and set off following them to Mortensholm.  When we arrived at the end of the pass we saw this score of armed men accosting two Lamar wagons and demanding 20 crowns each to let them pass.

Hayley and Rubinifa talked to them.  Seeing our cart they also demanded money but we were able to convince them we had found the wagon and were taking it back to get a reward which would cost Lamar Trading even more money.  This convinced the mercenaries (and also confirmed they were not actually bandits since they did not want our money).

Getting into town we met up with Felix who gave a small reward for the returned horse and cart.  We explained the situation and asked him to find extra men to help fight these mercenaries.

Felix gathered the town marshals which led to a slight complication! They recognized Tayy and wanted to know why he ran away during the prison break a couple of months ago.  after some talking they let him off with a fine for not working his notice.  Easy come easy go - the reward for the cart covered the food we had delivered and the fine.

Tayy and Flendac let the rest of the gang know that half the marshal's were members of the chaos cult so we would have to be careful in case they back stabbed us.  Returning to the pass their was no sign of the mercenary company or the traders.  We waited around a few hours but then the marshal's had to return to the city.  We trecked back through the pass to Kreutshofen but saw no sign of our quarry or Gobbo's war band.

Image Credits -  

Art from darantha


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