WFRP Chapter 78: We are the Champions

Background: Finding a shipment of missing bricks.

Our Heroes

  • Hayley (Elliot) - Human Mistress of Magic
  • Madoc (David) - Human Friar of Manann [Poseidon]
  • Flendac (Kris) - Human Master Assassin
  • Tayy Whitethorn (Michael) - Halfling Trainee Assassin 
  • Zena (Oliver) - Human Artillerist
  • Rubinifer (Rob) - Human Outlaw Chief

Chapter 78 ~ A new beginning

Having spent two weeks traveling the gang reached Kreutshofen and took a few days to relax and recover from their long trip.  Tayy went off and spent a couple of days collecting profits from his business interests and immediately spending them on a new project.

On the next day the exciting halfling rushed into the tavern and told his friends to finish their drinks as he had something exciting to show them.  Begrudgingly they followed him to the waterfront.  The derelict building next to the mill had been demolished and carpenters were starting to construct a new building.  Tayy explained this was the new Temple of Mann.  He was showing his patronage of the church for their help protecting him in Nuln.

Talking with Sam the foreman it seemed the shipment of bricks from the La Mar trading company had not arrived.  Collecting supplies we headed into the Winter's Teeth pass to find out what was causing the delays.

Having checked in with Hernan, who was complaining about goblins, Flendac tucked him up in bed we continued on to see Maruge.  There were many bodies around the entrance to the valley and she told us another tribe of Orcs and Goblins had attacked them.

The next morning we found two carts of bricks along with six bodies killed by arrows.  Getting the carts ready to leave and Gobbo the Great came out and demanded we pay him tribute.

After a short exchange of insults he shouted at his war band to charge.  Around the corner came two Ogres an Elf and a terrifying Manticore taking to the sky above them.

Acting quickly Tayy tossed a bolas at the mighty beast.  They wrapped around one of its wings and fore-paw causing it to crash into the ground.  Flendac tossed his fireballs at the Ogres scorching them.  He then dodged passed the two lumbering forms towards the fallen monster.  

The manticore was using its teeth to free itself but was not quick enough to stop Flendac.  He stabbed his sword again and again into the exposed neck of the creature until it stopped moving.

Tayy joined Madoc hidding behind the cart after the Elf shot him with a near fatal wound [24 damage] having done his part in the battle.  Zena was frozen in terror by such fearsome creatures but Rubinifer stood by her side protecting her flank as he battled Gobbo.  This left Hayley holding her own against the two Ogres.

With an arrow bouncing off his armour, the blade venom wasted as it did not break the skin, Flendac charged the Elf slashing her with his sword for a grievous wound.

Seeing the battle turn Gobbo utilised his excellent leadership skills and fled the battle, the rest of his war band trying to follow.  Rubinifer stepped up and eviscerated the first Ogre but the other one, and the Elf, escaped.

Making plans to track them down later (we wanted the loot) we took our new carts and bricks back to Kreutshofen.  This allowed the building work on the temple to continue.

Image Credits -  

Art from darantha


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