WFRP Chapter 88: Rat Trap

Summary: Loose ends cause a bother.

Our Heroes

  • Madoc (David) - Human Friar of Manann [Poseidon]
  • Flendac (Kris) - Human Master Assassin
  • Tayy Whitethorn (Michael) - Halfling Trainee Assassin 
  • Zena (Oliver) - Human Artillerist

  • Chapter 88 ~ Anyone remember the Skaven?

    Having sailed back home on Cpt Jameson barge we worked on sorting out Silavan's will.  Turned out are timing was perfect as Michael Stich was down from Nuln to do the same!  Flendac managed to convince him that he was part of the secret slaanesh cult and got the deeds to the docks without a fight.

    After that we went to see Dagmar to let her know Asterellion had put a bounty on her head.  We flatly refused to help her kill the War-dancers but when she offered us 5000 crowns to deal with the Skaven vermin we decided to give that a go.

    We knew there were too many for us to take them all out at once but thought we might be able to sneak around and deal with a few to reduce numbers.  Seeing a couple of Sentries Madoc scared them with him undead form and we ran forward intent on stabbing them.  Unfortunately the chittering had alerted others and the flying mutant swooping into view causing Zena and Flendac to faint with terror.

    Terrified Tayy fled but Madoc held his wraith form stopping most of the Skaven from advancing on his friends.  The monster landed smashing Zena in the head and leaving her for dead walked back to his companians with her sword.  Flendac recovered and, grabbing his own weapon, turned tail and fled.

    With the Rats occupied Zena was able to sneak away and we all slunk back to the city.  Gaining the title of Harbour Master Tayy took over running the docks for Flendac giving them both a tidy income.  He also made a side deal with the Dragon club to give them late night access in exchange for extra cash for Flendac and himself.  With the city safe the happy Halfing retired from adventuring life.

    Image Credits -  
    art by markmolchan


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