WFRP Chapter 89: Zombie!

Summary: What could be eating the cows?

Our Heroes

  • Madoc (David) - Human Friar of Manann [Poseidon]
  • Hayley (Elliot) - Human Duelist
  • Kormac (Michael) - Elven Sailor
  • Zena (Oliver) - Insane Human Artillerist
  • Rubinifer (Rob) - Human Outlaw Chief

  • Chapter 89 ~ If you should go down to the farm tonight...

    Cpt Jameson returned to the Black Eagle with the offer of a new recruit for Morgan's Men.  An Elven sailor by the name of Kormac who, after fifty years of sailing the rivers of the Empire was looking to make a bit more coin hanging out with this famous mercenary company.

    It seemed the blow to Zena's head the previous day had scrambled her wits as she now thought she was in charge and started ordering people around and renamed the company the Zany Legends.  We now had two mercenary companies; although it was somewhat unclear who was in which band.

    The barkeep asked Hayley if she would help is sister.  It seemed some wild animal was attacking her cows.  The pay was only five crowns, hardly worth getting out of bed for, but to help a friend she agreed.

    Reaching the farm Zena introduced us as the Zany Legends which, of course, Hilary had never heard of.  The uncouth Kormac set about getting free food from the poor farmer while we laid out plans to ambush the beast.  We dozed during the next day and then stayed up at night.

    Expecting to see a Lion or maybe something more exotic everyone was struck with fear when a hoard of zombies staggered into view and started attacking the cattle.  Kormac said he was sneak around and deal with the Wizard while the others lured the Zombies forward.

    The four humans battled the zombies as Kormac used his natural skills to creep around the building.  Zena was bitten a couple of times but Hayley (thanks to magical robes and hat) was unharmed.  The Necromancer was supporting her minions flinging spells at the party.

    The mind warping spell meant that Rubinifa no long saw Madoc but instead Bronzino the Orc champion!  He charged this foe, pouring all his hatred into attacks that hacked down the 'orc' in front of him.  Bleeding and almost dead Madoc lay in the dirt ignored by everyone.

    Kormac managed to sneak up behind the necromancer.  As he stabbed her in the back it became apparent she was a lich not a mortal human!  His steel blade had no effect on her undead body he called out to the others for support.  She backhanded him with the magical staff.  An explosion of necrotic energy knocked Kormac out cold and he too was left for dead.

    Hayley was able to run over and use magical blade to hack the terrifying monster down.  As the bones crumbled a skeletal hand grasped her face.  Hayley called out to the gods and their intervention prevents the necromancers soul from possessing her body.  With a final dying whisper the threat to the cows, and our mercenary companies, was over.

    We got paid one crown each for dealing with the "wild animal".  From the Necromancers body there was a grimoire of spells and Spiritrender the bone staff carved with skulls.  Madoc took a liking to the staff and was able to attune to this awesome weapon.  Anyone injured will slowly wither away as the staff sucks the lifeforce from their bodies!

    Spiritrender [+3 Damage; Breath Underwater; Elfbane; Repel Demons; Degenerative strike]

    Image Credits -  
    Zombie Snow White art by cd842


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