TourPlay Redrafting Guide

Blood Bowl Redrafting 

A quick guide for redrafting teams using TourPlay for League tracking

When your team has been submitted to join the league you can see at the top of the screen a message saying the team is redrafting and all the players are greyed out with a warning triangle at the start.

Your team value should show zero and your treasury be 1,300,000 gold.  If either of these are not the case then STOP and contact an admin before continuing with redrafting.

When you select each player you are given the option of hiring them again.  You can see the cost to rehire, including agency fee, shown below the players value.  If you elect to Fire a player TourPlay will ask for confirmation but once you say yes that player is gone.  There is no way to bring them back! When you hire a player the system will roll to see if any Niggling Injuries are healed.

Players cost an extra 20k to rehire for each previous season they have played.  If you rehire five players after one season that will leave you 1200k from your 1300k pot.  If those players had played two seasons each it would cost 200k to rehire them all on top of their normal value.

It is recommended that you work out your base team outside of TourPlay first to ensure you have enough cash as you must buy at least 11 players before redrafting is finished.

Image Credits
Blood Bowl from yogh-art


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