WFRP Chapter 90+91: Beautiful Boy

 Summary: Who has been kidnapping the children?

Our Heroes

  • Madoc (David) - Human Friar of Manann [Poseidon]
  • Hayley (Elliot) - Human Duelist
  • Kormac (Michael) - Elven Sailor
  • Zena (Oliver) - Insane Human Artillerist
  • Rubinifer (Rob) - Human Outlaw Chief
  • Flendac (Kris) - Human Master Assassin

  • Chapter 90 ~ A new mission and some old foes

    Sitting in the pub musing over only making a single crown for fighting a lich the group were approached by a woman.  She was Petra Druge, whom Flendac had a crush on, and it seemed that local children were going missing and she asked for our help in locating them.

    There was also another group of bounty hunters in town looking for Rubinifer's girlfriend Sarah (it seems the Teller family were not giving up easily on killing her).  We fed them a couple of tales about Orcs killing her or possibly having moved on south.  They left to follow up on possible leads.

    Asking around about the children we managed to get the brewer to offer ten casks as a reward for recovering his son.  Having found a compelling reason to help we went to the field outside town where the children played.

    After waiting around for a few hours we saw Asterellion patrolling the area (we were near the artists colony).  He had not seen anything strange and continuing his patrol.  We were about to give up and go home when a Pegasus flew down and landed in the field!  Kormac tried to approach with a rope to catch the beast but it flew away again.

    Chapter 91 ~ Of Dragons and Pegasus

    Back in the pub a merchant overheard us talking about the Pegasus and said it must be because of the Dragon club moving here from Nuln. Our previous adventures had uncovered a prostitution ring linked to the club and we figured that was worth checking out.

    Jobs were being advertised at the club ready for the grand opening in a weeks time.  Rubinifer got a trial as a bar tender while Hayley and Zena were interested in a more laid back work as hostesses.  Convincing the manager to let them have a quick look around so they new the layout for when they started work Rubinifer sneaked away into the basement.  There is found a woman reading a book.  He tried to get through a locked door but she heard him.  He made up an excuse about having come to get a bottle of wine.  She introduced herself as Inarra.  On hearing his name she asked if he knew Andy Dufranne.  Rubinifa lied and said no.  Which was wise and she continued on about how he was upset that he had been let down by some folk from Krutshofen.

    Kormac, Flendac and Madoc went to the field to watch for the Pegasus; still our best bet as to where the children were going.  After a few hours one landed and Flendac was able to use his ranger skills to get close to the beast and put a rope on it.  At this point one of the children asked for a ride.  Flendac helped him onto the creatures back but before he could grab the rope again it cantered away and then flew off with the child into the mountains...

    Image Credits -
    Art from gaudibuendia.


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