Campaign Log: Lost Mine of Phandelver

Our Heroes
Character Description
Myandir Silveroak A novice of Selune, Goddess of the Moon with aspirations to learn Wizardy
Rance Raddish A scout armed with a Short Sword and Dagger
Bjorn 'Bearkiller' Katho-Olavi An 8' tall Goliath Swords master in chain mail. The party tank.
Raymondo Angigua Debonair and roguish storyteller who (thinks) he can talk his way out of any situation.

Session One - Killing Goblins
In the city of Neverwinter our heroes meet up with a local dwarf merchant who they all know called Gundren Rockseeker.  He is travelling south and wants his trusted friends to bring a cart of goods to Barthan's Provisions in Phandalin, some three days journey south.  He is leaving tomorrow and the cart will be ready the day after.  He buys an extra round of drinks to help celebrate and Raymondo shows off with some knife tricks and gambling.

On route four Goblins try a poorly though out ambush.  Bjorn shows he is not used to hitting little guys, in fact he is so bad at it he only managed to hit a tree!  Fortunately Rance and Raymondo's blades and prayers from Myandir deal with the miscreants.

There are two dead horse at the ambush site and fearing Gundren may have been taken our heroes follow the trail.  Rance falls in a pit but eventually we reach a large cavernous lair where a stream comes out of the rocks.

While Raymondo is admiring the stone work he gets ambushed by two more Goblins and cut down.  Bjorn is still struggling with the concept of hitting creatures that only reach his knees.  Fortunately his friends are able to clean up.  A magical bandage from Myandir gets Raymondo back up again.

In the next chamber some wolves are chained up.  Prayers to the moon goddess quickly send them to the afterlife.  Bjorn climbs up the chimney at the back of the cave, after Raymondo fails to do so.  At the top he can see more Goblins and a Bugbear sitting around a campfire.  He is able to climb down without being noticed but with no easy way for everyone to climb up we look for another way in.

Clambering through the caves we surprise six Goblins who where torturing a human prisoner.  Bjorn finally figured out how to hit Goblins and plenty of sneak attack from the boys in black quickly removed all the green-skins.  Rance needed patching up and the party rest while talking to Sildar Hallwinter who we had just rescued.  He tells us that Klarg the Bugbear is in charge here and Gundren has been taken to Cragmaw Castle to meet someone called the Black Spider.

With the help of Bjorn Raymondo disguises himself as an Orc and walks into Klarg's lair with Bjorn as his body guard saying he is here to take Sildar to Cragmaw.  While this deception is taking place Sildar lead the assault on the remaining Goblins.  As Klarg rushes into the fray Bjorn attacks from behind cutting down more Goblins.  The Bugbear's savage blows crush Sildar but Bhorn shrugs off a killing blow as if his hide was made of stone.

The victory someone tempered by the loss of Sildar the party take his body back to the cart and travel on to Phandalin.  As they travel Myandir finally works out how to cast the arcane spells in the book he has been carrying around; Raymondo adds storytelling to his roguish ways and everyone feels more powerful and healthy.

Image Credits:  Journey to  Phandalin by Farstride
and Ambush found


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