D&D Quest: Session Two

D&D Quest: Session Two

The Party

Arden De Vere, Bard of Apollo: Half Elven Noble who disguises himself as human.
Magrig:  A hulking half Orc Barbarian with a fetish for Axes.
Fyonar: An Elven Mage who has spent the last 90 years cloistered away learning arcane arts.
Medrash: Dragonborn Paladin who wants to learn about Druidism.
Kara: Human Scout and sharpshooter.

The Story

We left our heroes fighting the Sea Hags minions.  Magrig charged after the Hag but she was too slippery and was able to escape with the egg of the Merfolk Queen.  She triggered a trap that collapsed the passage way behind her.

The Half-orc turned back to see his friends being battered by the Merrow.  He threw a javelin impaling the monster as it back handed Arden.  Medrash stepped up and smashed his flail into its thick hide and, with the help of a few arrows, it finally toppled to the floor.

During the battle the captive sailors we had rescued fled and we had to search through the caves to find them again.  It then took another hour to clear the passageway and accent to the surface.  Night was falling so we made a campfire to keep the sailors safe.  While doing so strange lights were spotted in the nearby ruins.

Investigating we found the Hag was casting some ritual over the egg.  Arden and Kara, being somewhat more stealthy, positioned themselves nearby as the others advanced.  A sleep spell removed two merfolk archers from combat and others fell to blades and arrows.

This time Magrig was able to engage the Hag and cleaved her with a mighty blow.  She tried to flee, this time without the egg, but a bolt of ice from Fyonar   froze her in place.  Magrig decapitated the shapechanger to he sure she would not return.  The sleeping Merfolk were tied up so we could return them to the tribe now they were no longer under the Hags control.

In the morning we took the queen egg and Merfolk prisoners down to the beach and returned it to Bright Coral and received the gratitude of the Merfolk tribe.  Gathering together the trade goods and sailed we returned on the long march to the city.

 The Mayor was glad to see we had returned and dealt with the monstrous threat although less glad when we demanded our payment in gold.  He grudgingly counted out the coins the safe in his office; even going to far as to pay us some of in silver.  Finally he did admit there were some other troubles nearby we may be able to assist with.

Image Credits
Merfolk sorcerer by Aerwyna from deviantart
Witch by Antti Hakosaari from D&D Fantasy Art on Facebook I could not find another Hag so figured this would do.


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