D&D Character: Myandir Silveroak

Name: Myandir Silveroak
High Elf Urban Bounty Hunter. Level 1 Cleric of Selune, Goddess of the Moon then 19 levels of Wizard.
Str 8 Dex 14 Con 13 Int 16 Wis 14 Chr 10

I really like the Hypnotic Gaze power of the Enchanter Wizard.  The idea of casting a buff spell on the first round and then hypnotizing the Big Bad Evil Guy (BBEG) while the party clears out the minions is appealing. Split Enchantment at tenth level is a free Twin Meta-magic spell for all your 'save or suck' spells making them more useful as well.  Now if you are going to play a Wizard who is putting himself into melee combat you need to get some armour.  The best way to do that is with first level in either Cleric or Fighter.

Myandir was an orphan who was raised by the church of Selune.  He spent much of his youth wandering the library reading books on magic and history.  He joined the church militia and worked as a bounty hunter tracking down those who had stolen scrolls from the church.  Over the last fifty years he had accumulated a small collection of spell scrolls of his own.  He has been studying these and is now ready to start his own career in the mystic arts.

Cleric Diety
I was originally thinning of Mystra, Goddess of Magic since that seems an appropriate pick for a Wizard.  Expertise in Arcana is good but unfortunately having Identify as a domain spell is useless in an Adventures League game and command is limited use since I do not want Wisdom based spells.  Selune, Goddess of the Moon has both Life and Knowledge as her domains.  This means if I do rebuild I can swap between the two without making any difference to how I role-play the character.  Starting with Life domain means I get Bless as a decent buff spell while still having Detect Magic and healing spells prepared.

Elves start with 1 cantrip while Wizard start with 3 and by Tenth level have 5; a final total of 6.  Offensively you want one attack cantrip and a second that is a save leaving you four for utility.  Toll the dead stands out as the best of the saves.  Firebolt just beats out the competition from Ray of Frost and Chill Touch due to range and being a different damage type to Toll.
Since Wisdom is not my main casting stat I want to avoid clerical cantrips that make use of it.  Fortunately there is a good list of utility with Guidance, Light and Mending.  Having alredy taken those it makes an easy choice for Wizard utility: Mage Hand, Prestidigitation, Minor Illusion and Shape Water.  What you can actually do with the last two is somewhat dependent on your Games Master but they should still have plenty of uses.

Wizard Spells
Prepared spells are equal to Wizard Level + Intelligence Modifier (which gets boosted at level 4). Essentially for the two spell picks each level after first we want one spell and one ritual to be able to cast them all.  At level 6 we then have ten spells prepared and six rituals.  After that we get fourth level spells and will have to decide which of our lower level spells are no longer required on a day to day basis.

1 - Alarm (R), Find Familiar (R), Comprehend Languages (R), Absorb Elements, Hideous Laughter, Shield
2 - Detect Magic (R), Unseen Servant (R)
3 - Misty Step, Web
4 - Mirror Image, Levitate
5 - Slow, Water Breathing (R)
6 - Counter spell, Tiny Hut (R)
7 - Polymorph,Thunder Step
8 - Fire Shield, Fireball

9 Learn Animate Object, Wall of Force
Prepare(13) Cast 4/3/3/3/2 1. Shield, Absorb, Laughter 2. Web, Mirror Image, Misty Step 3. Slow, Thunderstep, Counterspell 4. Polymorph, Fire Shield 5. Animate Object, Wall of Force

10 -  Hold Monster, Arcane Eye

Feats and Ability improvements
The first three are going to be getting 20 Int and Resistance (Con).  At character level 17 we take Lucky to help us survive and then we get a final feat at level 20 which would probably depend on what we are doing in the campaign.


Adventures League ends up being a low magic world in terms of permanent magical items characters acquire.  You will only have a half dozen by the time you get to level 15. For Tier 1 you get 4 Treasure Points (TP) each level then 8 at higher levels. This means you will not get to buy anything until you start Tier 2 at Level 5 and decent magic armour is half way through Tier 3.

Level Item Cost Notes
5 Cloak of the Elvenkind 16 TP Advantage on Stealth (cancels disadvantage from armour)
Opponents get disadvantage to see you.
8 Shield +2 20 TP Better Armour to stay alive; 20 AC now.
Still have Shield and Shield of Faith to improve it.
10 R. Protection 20 TP More Protection and a boost to saves 21 AC now.
11 Misc items 8 TP You can get Bag of holding or similar.
14 Half Plate +1 24 TP Finally replace the scale mail we got at level 1!
Still have Shield spells and a base 23 AC.
Could take Breastplate for Advantage on Stealth.

Living Character Sheet

Level Description
1 Was level 1 for a single session. Toll the dead is the only action I took in Combat.
Both spell slots got used, out of combat, on Cure Wounds for the Rogues.
Made some use of Guidance and Light since no one else can see in the dark!
2 Firebolt gives a longer range attack. Arcane Recovery means 4 spells a day. Perhaps I will be able to Bless the party?
Shield gives me better defense but I already have the best AC in the party.
5 Flaming Sphere upcasts well into level 3 slots.  Web gives some control.
Managed to cast them both. 

Image Credits
Deer Runner Elf from Storyteller Tales & Thoughts
Elven Magic from abstract.desktopnexus.com


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