WFRP Chapter 79: Back to Basics
Background: Helping Dagmar since we were doing the task anyway! Our Heroes Hayley (Elliot) - Human Mistress of Magic Flendac (Kris) - Human Master Assassin Tayy Whitethorn (Michael) - Halfling Trainee Assassin Zena (Oliver) - Human Artillerist Rubinifer (Rob) - Human Outlaw Chief Chapter 79 ~ Back to Basics We repainted the first of the two carts as Kreutshofen Mill and passed it, and the horse, over to Jim Miller to look after. As the mill owner we can always borrow it when needed. We made plans to load the other one up with food for the Orcs and take it back through the pass while we hunted for the Great Gobbo. There is also a chance we could get a reward from the Lamar trading company for returning the other wagon. Tayy also mentioned that Rickard had opened a local branch giving us somewhere to spend our gold on magical items. Unfortunately we were all poor after our long trip away and were not able to make use of his opening sale. While making o...